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Editor’s Note

This year has been one packed with a cacophony of sound. There’s the bigger-picture noise: the dire warnings and subsequent mourning related to the ongoing global pandemic; the presidential election and ever-increasing polarization and ugliness we hurl at one another on social media; the ripping sounds of hurricanes tearing through …

Recently I sat down with a journalism student and answered questions about my career. When she asked what I like most about my job, I didn’t hesitate: “Learning about and telling people’s stories,” I responded. “Interviews are an opportunity to encounter people and their lives that I likely never would …

In August, I had to take my 6-year-old to Children’s Hospital. While we attempted to navigate the sprawling campus in Northern Cincinnati, we crossed paths with many other parents and children – children who looked and acted differently than my daughter is accustomed to. When a boy with Down’s Syndrome …

In the Spring of 2019, I took my oldest daughter to see the stage production of Hamilton. Huge fans of the music since the time the cast album dropped, we couldn’t wait to finally see it performed in person. As the theatre darkened and the first notes of the show …

As we planned to move the 850 miles from Louisiana to Cincinnati, my husband and I had a huge priority in mind: We had to find the right Catholic school for our children. At the time, they were attending a wonderful, small Catholic school in North Louisiana. So, not only …

Despite our chaotic and busy lives, my husband and I do our best to instill faith and Catholic values in our children at home. Sometimes, we give those lessons with intention – praying together before meals and at bedtime, answering very specific questions from our young children about the origin …

The Catholic Telegraph has a long history in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, and even more broadly as one of the first Catholic newspapers in the U.S. Interestingly, it was established in 1831 by Bishop Fenwick, only to be placed on a short break the following year amidst another pandemic: cholera …

When I tell Ohioans we moved our family here from Louisiana, one of their first responses, without fail, is a look of incredulity followed by the question, “Well what do you think of this weather?” I smile and reply, “I don’t mind the cold so much, but all these gray …

I often look around my life, full of busy (and sometimes overwhelming) children, stacks of homework, barking dogs, dirty dishes, mountains of laundry and the never-ending grocery list and wonder how I’m even going to power through the day-to-day activities and take care of my own prayer life, let alone …

During the month of December, a group of women wrote daily Advent reflections for The Catholic Telegraph’s website. The writings were honest, funny, sometimes heart wrenching and always a beautiful reflection on preparing our hearts for the birth of our Savior. I was asked to write a few along the …