Posts Tagged
Dr. Jim Rigg
Message from the Superintendent: Catholic Schools & What We Stand For
As superintendent, the favorite part of my job is visiting our Catholic schools. I strive to take one day per week to simply walk the halls of our schools, interact with students and teachers, and bear witness to the undeniable impact of a Catholic education.
Breaking News: Archdiocese unveils new look, reorganized GCL

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph A major institution in area high school athletics has been reorganized and rebranded to promote its Catholic identity. The Greater Catholic League, and Girls Greater Cincinnati League have now come under a single umbrella league with three divisions.
New principals gather for ‘boot camp’
Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph New principals from Catholic schools throughout the archdiocese came together in late July for the first ever ‘Principal Boot Camp’ coordinated by the archdiocesan Catholic Schools Office. “The weekend was about connecting them with their faith and helping them understand how it impacts their leadership,” …
UD hosts 2nd annual Catholic Education Summit
By Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph Educators from across the United States met at the University of Dayton (UD) in southwestern Ohio on July 12 for an all-day conference on urban Catholic education. This year’s summit focused on meeting the needs of all learners in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Dr. …