Posts Tagged
Dorothy Day
Pope Francis praises Dorothy Day in preface to collection of her work

By Kevin J. Jones Denver, Colo., Aug 22, 2023 / 13:30 pm Dorothy Day’s conversion story shows the importance of “restlessness” in seeking God, struggling for justice, and loving the poor, Pope Francis writes in the preface to a new Italian-language translation of her work. The American Catholic, who is being …
Evidence for Dorothy Day’s sainthood cause sent to the Vatican

by Jonah McKeown New York City, N.Y., Dec 10, 2021 / 18:00 pm More than a dozen boxes containing evidence of Servant of God Dorothy Day’s reputation for holiness are on their way to the Vatican, after a Mass this week in New York City marked the end of two …
Archbishop Gomez addresses rise of ‘wokeness’, social movements in US

by Autumn Jones Denver Newsroom, Nov 4, 2021 / 17:00 pm On Thursday, Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles discussed the rise of new secular ideologies and movements for social change in the United States during a virtual address to the Congress of Catholics and Public Life in Madrid. He …
New Staten Island Ferry to be named for Dorothy Day, Catholic activist who loved the poor

New York City, N.Y., Mar 25, 2021 / 08:01 pm MT (CNA).- One of the newest Staten Island ferry boats in New York harbor will be named for the Catholic journalist, radical social activist, and possible saint, Dorothy Day. Kate Hennessy, a granddaughter of Day and author of the book …
Converted by love, not ideology: An archbishop’s reflection on Dorothy Day
CNA/EWTN News Last week, Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles told scholars at the Dorothy Day Conference at St. Francis University that the social activist was not converted by ideology, but by love. “It was not the teachings of the Church that convinced her to leave the past behind …
Lydia’s House Blessing Prepares a Home for Women and Children in Crisis
Press Release Inspired by the hospitality of St. Lydia and the work of Dorothy Day, a new Catholic Worker home is being prepared for homeless women and their children. On May 5, an open house and ecumenical blessing was held at the property, 2024 Mills Ave in Norwood, acquired by …