Posts Tagged
Dominick Albano
What is Mary’s Myers-Briggs?

Do you know about Mary or do you actually know her? What was she like? How did she speak? What did she care about? What made her laugh? If you’re like me, you really want to get to know Mary – but how do we do that? We can learn …
Your Inner Circle of Saints

Years ago, Milwaukee’s auxiliary bishop spoke to the confirmation class at the parish where I was a youth minister and opened the floor to questions. A student asked, “What is the purpose and meaning of life?” Perhaps the youth tried to stump the bishop, who answered without missing a beat, …
What is Good?

Where I used to work, the phrase “world class” was thrown around often. It sounds like a noble goal, to be world class, but there’s a dilemma. How do you define world class? CONSIDER MUSIC. Yo-Yo Ma was a child prodigy cellist, graduated from the Juilliard School and Harvard, recorded …

Every family has at least a little bit of dysfunction. As soon as you read that, you probably thought of that one family member who just can’t seem to get along with the rest, or that one topic you never mention at the family Christmas party. That’s alright. Healthy human …
The Absolute Best Part About Being Catholic

As the pastoral planning initiative Beacons of Light moves forward, Catholic Telegraph writers are meeting with its leaders to bring you the most up-to-date and accurate information, describe how decisions are made and clearly explain what to expect. Visit to sign up for the free Beacons Update newsletter. Nothing …
Five Lies and a Question about Vocations

Your vocation is the single most important aspect of your life. Living out your vocation will lead to happiness. Failing to live out your vocation will lead to dismay. All of that is true, but doesn’t it also sound a little terrifying? Whether you are trying to discern your vocation, …
Beacons of Light: Creating the Pastoral Plan

As the pastoral planning initiative Beacons of Light moves forward, Catholic Telegraph writers are meeting with its leaders, including Father Jan Schmidt, to bring you the most up-to-date and accurate information on what is happening, describe how decisions will be made and provide clear descriptions of what to expect. This …
Are You A Lampstand or a Bushel Basket?

There is this guy at my office who everybody loves. He is always singing, speaking with an accent or cooking weird food in the kitchen. He greets every person on his way in, usually with more than a passing hello. Heshine how they are doing and actually seems interested in …
You Radiate Christ

On July 3, 2017, my uncle Mark died suddenly and tragically. It was not a beautiful and gentle end to a long life. It was unexpected and painful. I’ll never forget getting the call that night from the police, informing me he had died. I’ll never forget driving my devastated …
Where’s the Line?

“No! I don’t want to go to Disney World! I just want to stay home and have screen time!” My wife and I often feel like we are failing as parents. The house isn’t clean enough. The meals aren’t healthy enough. We don’t spend enough quality time with the kids. …