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August 8: St. Dominic

On Aug. 8, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast day of St. Dominic Guzman, who helped the cause of orthodoxy in the medieval Church by founding the Order of Preachers, also known as Dominicans. “This great saint reminds us that in the heart of the Church a missionary fire must …
Nashville Dominican Sisters support Hillbilly Thomists on country music’s most famous stage

by Joe Bukuras Nashville, Tenn., Aug 4, 2022 / 12:00 pm The famous Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, Tennessee, has hosted stars such as Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Garth Brooks, Dolly Parton, and many more. But it wasn’t until Aug. 1 that a band of wisecracking, bluegrass-playing, …
April 29: St. Catherine of Siena

St. Catherine was a third-order Dominican, peacemaker and counselor to the Pope. She singlehandedly ended the Avignon exile of the successors of Peter in the 14th century. She is the co-patron of Italy and of Europe. Born in Siena, on the feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 1347, Catherine was …
Fr. Thomas Joseph White named first American rector of Angelicum in Rome

By CNA Staff Rome, Italy, Jun 10, 2021 / 08:51 am The theologian Fr. Thomas Joseph White, O.P., has been appointed rector of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome, becoming the first American to hold the position. White, who has taught at the university commonly known as …
Pope Francis declares blind 14th-century lay Dominican a saint

CNA Staff, Apr 24, 2021 / 06:20 am America/Denver (CNA). Pope Francis declared a blind 14th-century Italian lay Dominican a saint Saturday using a process known as “equipollent” canonization. The Holy See press office said April 24 that the pope had authorized the extension of the liturgical cult of Blessed …
Celebrating at the Stable: Nativity Scenes bring the Incarnation Home

By Gail Finke It’s the little clay baby in the manger—or maybe the empty manger, waiting until Christmas morning for the figure to appear. It’s the watchful figures of Mary and Joseph (“Mary always has to go on Jesus’s right, and Joseph always has to hold a lantern or …
Inaugural Religious Brothers Day honors special vocation

As a way to acknowledge the gift that religious brothers day are to the church, a new annual celebration was held for the first time on May 1, the feast of St. Joseph Worker. Titled Religious Brothers Day, it was organized by the Brothers Think Tank, a group of religious …