Posts Tagged
Domestic Church
Editor’s Note: Sharing & Living The Church at Home

Despite our chaotic and busy lives, my husband and I do our best to instill faith and Catholic values in our children at home. Sometimes, we give those lessons with intention – praying together before meals and at bedtime, answering very specific questions from our young children about the origin …
Mom of Carlo Acutis says son led her back to the Catholic faith

CNA Staff, Jun 17, 2020 / 12:54 am MT (CNA).- While most Catholic mothers pray for their teenage sons, Antonia Acutis has the unique ability to pray to hers, the soon-to-be-beatified Italian teenager Carlo Acutis. Carlo will be beatified October 10 in Assisi, Italy. His canonization cause has been popularized …
The Role of Family in God’s Designs From “House Churches” to the “Domestic Church”

by Father Robert J. Hater The old black rosary hangs on the headboard of the bedroom once occupied by my father and mother. More than 60 years ago my father brought it home, a gift from a Marianist brother who gave it to him for Christmas. It’s been there ever …
7 Resources to Help Bring Faith Home

7 Resources to Help Bring Faith Home Download the PDF: 7 Resources to Bring the Faith Home Missing religious education and Catholic school? Here are 7 fun resources to help you and your family keep the faith-learning going at home! With kids out of school, Masses canceled and religious education …
Save the Date: 2020 E6 CATHOLIC MEN’S CONFERENCE Armor Up! 2/22/20

All Saints Parish, in association with the Batesville Deanery, is hosting its 5th annual E6 Catholic Men’s Conference on February 22nd, 2020, at the East Central H.S. Performing Arts Center in St. Leon, Indiana, 35 minutes northwest of Cincinnati. The conference will be held from 8:00am to 4:00pm. The conference …
Pope Francis: Nativity scenes show a ‘domestic Gospel’

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Dec 18, 2019 / 03:12 am (CNA).- Pope Francis Wednesday called Christmas nativity scenes a “domestic Gospel,” which helps to make the Holy Family present in one’s home. He also encouraged every family to have one in their home at Christmas time. During his last …
Catholic at Home: by Katie Sciba

Some Christmas mornings I wake up feeling spiritually underwhelmed. I don’t feel the holy wonder at the miracle of God being born upon Earth but instead feel disappointment in my own lack of real, faithful preparation for the Nativity. The previous weeks were spent fretting over decorating and shopping and …
Witnesses better than initiatives in parish-based evangelization, Pope Francis says

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Nov 18, 2019 / 09:57 am (CNA).- Having a lot of parish initiatives is not the best way to reach people on a deeper level, Pope Francis said Monday, adding that evangelization is about giving a witness to personal encounter with Christ. “Our parishes are …
Catholic at Home: Prepare Now for What Comes Next

I attended a funeral a couple months ago. The dear lady who passed away was 90 and she clearly had been treasured by the large number of family and friends present. Between the grief among the congregation and my close proximity to the casket during Mass, the reality of death …
Catholic at Home: Go Home and Change the World

October is Respect Life Month, a celebration and call-to-arms compelling Catholics to “renew their personal commitment to defend human life” (USCCB). The idea itself brings to mind the unborn and those sentenced to death as well as those who are dying; and while these are some of the most vulnerable, …