Posts Tagged
Domestic Church
Making Catholic Memories: Rosary Making

The devotion to Our Lady of the Rosary has a very dramatic origin. On October 7, 1571, a small Christian fleet of ships went out to battle the massive Muslim fleet that was dominating the Mediterranean Sea and stood poised to invade Europe. In miraculous fashion, the Christian fleet destroyed …
Catholic teens in US mirror their peers on religious trends

by Matt Hadro Washington D.C., Sep 11, 2020 / 12:00 pm MT (CNA).- Catholic teenagers mirror American teenagers overall on many religious trends, a report by the Pew Research Center says. A Pew report published Sept. 10 examined the religious identities and beliefs and American teenagers and their parents. “U.S. …
Catholic at Home: Rules of Engagement for Spousal Sparring

My husband and I had a disagreement a few weeks ago. We were both tense, defensive and in utter disbelief that the other held an opposing perspective. Andrew and I typically see eye to eye, or at the very least we understand one another, so coming to a stalemate made …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

With August comes a new school year, and, with that, a sense of starting fresh and the expectation that something will be different. Never, perhaps, has that been more the case than in 2020. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the actions taken to mitigate its spread, the 2019-2020 school …
Nurturing YOUR FAITH Resources to Keep the Fire of Your Faith Burning at All Stages of Life

by Katie Sciba The Catholic Church offers belonging to everyone regardless of your status in life. Children, teens, singles, marrieds, parents and seniors can live a full Catholic life, both serving others and being spiritually fed by Jesus. Our faith is a fire in need of inspiration to stay lit …

by Katie Sciba The domestic church is a family’s experience of being Catholic at home, but setting our attention on the things beyond this world can be a challenge when our to-dos are right in front of us. To focus your heart on faith, we recommend going through your basic …
Our Catholic School Family: Banding Together in Unprecedented Times

by Jessica Rinaudo I’ll never forget the day Governor DeWine announced that schools across the state of Ohio would be closing in response to the coronavirus pandemic. As a full-time working mother of four children in Catholic schools, my feelings were a mix of shock, anxiety and incredulity. How, I …
Catholic at Home: Ways to Pray as a Couple

Last month we covered why praying as a couple is essential to every Christian marriage. Husband and wife are each made in the image and likeness of God, and together form a new creation in Christ. The relationship is inherently lifegiving and imitates God in its own particular way. When …
Seek the Lord: Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

It is almost impossible to exaggerate the devastating effect social isolation has had in recent months on our lives as citizens, as workers and as members of a faith community for whom communal worship is a defining practice. At the same time, however, it has been heartening to hear stories …