Posts Tagged
Domestic Church
Shine On: The 10 most important year’s in your Child’s Life

Ask a young couple who just had their first child what they dream of for their child’s life, and you’ll likely get some version of, “I just want them to be happy.” Ask an aging couple whose children are adults what they dream for their adult children, and you’ll likely …
A Closer Look: The Domestic Church & Catholic Social Doctrine

The Gospel of St. Matthew ends with the charge of Jesus to “make disciples of all nations, . . . teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Mt. 28:19-20). And in the very last words of Christ before His ascension, He tells His disciples, “you will be …
Catholic at Home: Part of Something Bigger

Happy Bicentennial! We’re right in the middle of an historical event, marking 200 years of life, work and prayer at home in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. If we open our eyes to it, we can realize in a more concrete way that, as individual Catholics, we’re part of something and …
Baptize baby or let them decide when they’re older?

Many parents these days are taking the “wait and see” approach with religion, not having their children baptized and letting them decide when they’re older.
Just ‘do the next thing’: How one Colorado couple is raising four children with Down syndrome

by Autumn Jones Denver, Colo., May 9, 2021 / 06:01 am America/Denver (CNA). Many things in the McGarrity household start early, including preparations for Mother’s Day. Sonia McGarrity has eight children, ranging in age from three to 18, three of whom are adopted. Four kids, including McGarrity’s third oldest son …
Catholic at Home: Pouring Ourselves into Others

“An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.” – Aiden W. Tozer (The Christy Wright Show, ep. …
Why Catholics are reluctant to share their faith… and what to do about it

by Alejandro Bermudez Denver, Colo., May 5, 2021 / 10:00 am America/Denver (CNA). First things first: this is the closest I have seen to the book I always wanted to write and never found the time to do. The title of the book is Web of Faith: A Curious Catholic’s …
Making Catholic Memories: St. Dorothy Baskets

A few years ago, we had the opportunity to enjoy a weekend away in St. Louis without our children. We almost didn’t know what to do with ourselves! It was great to see all the sites, but the one that stood out the most for us was the immense and …
Advent at Home: How Catholics are preparing for a season of joy – even in 2020

by Mary Farrow Denver Newsroom, Nov 28, 2020 / 04:35 pm MT (CNA).- Wry jokes and memes about the decided awfulness of the year 2020 – with the pandemic, ensuing lockdowns and economic distress, as well as civil unrest in a turbulent election year – are well known to just …
New children’s book spins Christmas tale about spiders

CNA Staff, Oct 17, 2020 / 12:00 am MT (CNA).- There is an ancient legend about Mary, Joseph, Jesus, and a spider. After Jesus was born, the Holy Family fled into Egypt, while baby boys were being slaughtered by order of King Herod. The legend says that one night the …