Posts Tagged
Domestic Church
I Will Serve

“Behind each priest, there is a demon fighting for his fall. If we have the language to criticize them, we must have twice as much to pray for them.” – St. Teresa of Avila I was the new kid in fifth grade. My family had just moved to a small …
Book Review: Parenting The Complex and Beautiful Vocation of Raising Children

Amid a sea of self-help books, one has emerged where the Christian parent can find solace, encouragement and great advice. Whereas many texts help the faithful discern priesthood, marriage, consecration or other spiritual life as laity, few focus specifically on Christian parenting. Parenting: The Complex and Beautiful Vocation of Raising …
On Sacred & Remarkable Friendships

My 14-year-old son, Liam, fixed his eyes on mine and tearfully choked out, “Mom I want to go home.” On the surface, his comment made no sense. We had just returned home the day before from Tennessee, where Liam got to visit his long-distance best friend. I never saw that …
Having a Family in the World, Not of It

There’s nothing mainstream about the Christian life. Our culture indulges in sexuality, gluttony, moral relativism and self- servitude, without giving much of a glance to its own inherent dignity and worth. Society loves stuff and uses people instead of the other way around, and success is often gauged by dollars …
Lessons from St. Monica for those whose children and grandchildren have left the Church

By Isabel Barry Chicago, Ill., Aug 27, 2023 / 18:42 pm Hundreds of thousands of young adults filled the streets of Lisbon, Portugal, for the 2023 World Youth Day in early August — gathering together for Mass, eucharistic adoration, prayer, and fellowship. The event was powerful and moving, but for some Catholics …
Writing Icons with Luke

Our youngest daughter, Agnes, loves books! Whenever she can, she will pick up a stack of picture books and take them to the couch. Then she’ll go grab her blanket, climb up on the couch, scooch in close to us and listen to story after story. Our saint this month, …
Making Catholic Memories: Heart of Sorrows

“Lie number one: You’re supposed to have it all together, and when they ask how you’re doing just smile and tell them, ‘Never better.’” These are the opening lyrics of “Truth Be Told,” a song written by Matthew West. His words ring true and familiar to many of us, similar …
Catholic at Home: Running on Fumes

The alarm I rarely hear went off. My husband Andrew and I agreed to rise early to “parallel pray” before the day got going. I felt his nudge, “Time to wake up.” In mornings prior, I intended to wake up early to pray, but ultimately discerned that Jesus must want …
Making Catholic Memories: St. Bernard Honey Lavender Cupcakes

My grandfather was well known in his small town. He was a farmer, a veteran WWII officer and a bus driver. There wasn’t a student in the Marion Local School District who didn’t know Bernard “Ben” Droesch. He had a gruff exterior and was known for his choice of words …