Posts Tagged
Defend Ohio
Frequently Asked Questions about Issue 1

What is Issue 1? Issue 1 is a proposed amendment to the Ohio Constitution that would endanger the health and safety of women, threaten parental rights, and allow for abortion through all nine months of pregnancy. Ohioans will vote on November 7, 2023, whether to make this change to the …
What can you do to stop Issue 1 from passing?

Pray: Prayer is our most powerful tool in times like these. The 54-day rosary novena has already started, but you can join now. Get daily reminders by signing up for a daily email reminder with novena prayers at FAST: As Jesus taught, some things can only be overcome through …
Talking about Abortion: Why our Language Matters

On November 7, 2023, Ohioans will vote to approve or reject an amendment to the Ohio Constitution, proposing to enshrine abortion as a constitutional right. Drafted and financed by militant pro-abortion advocacy groups, the approved amendment would enable Ohio to have the most extreme abortion law imaginable. Properly read and …
Explaining with Charity

I know I have to tell my family and friends about my reasons for opposing the forthcoming pro-abortion ballot initiative in Ohio, but I want to do it in a way that is charitable and—if possible—doesn’t ruin lifelong friendships. Please help! I will do my best to help; let’s pause, …
Seek the Lord for October 2023

In the Gospel according to St. John, Jesus emphasizes that He came so we might have fullness of life (cf. Jn. 10:10). Most significantly through His Paschal Mystery, but also through every aspect of His life, Jesus worked for our good so that we might have life in abundance, both …
Busca al Senor

En el Evangelio según San Juan, Jesús subraya que vino para que tuviéramos plenitud de vida (cf. Jn 10:10). De manera significativa, a través de su Misterio Pascual, pero también a través de todos los aspectos de su vida, Jesús trabajó para nuestro bien y para que pudiéramos tener vida …
U.S. bishops urge ‘radical solidarity’ with mothers for Respect Life Month

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 19, 2023 / 13:30 pm The United States Catholic bishops are calling on the faithful to embrace “radical solidarity” with mothers who are facing difficult or challenging pregnancies this October, which the Church in the United States has observed as “Respect Life Month” since 1973. Arlington …
Catholic imagery doesn’t belong in pro-abortion Ohio campaign ad, critics say

By Kevin J. Jones Denver, Colo., Sep 18, 2023 / 17:40 pm A campaign ad for Ohio’s pro-abortion ballot measure Issue 1 wrongly used a Catholic image of Jesus Christ, several Catholic commentators say. The newly released 30-second video ad from Issue 1 backer Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights shows a …
Issue 1: Pray, Educate, Act

At a recent archdiocesan Communications Workshop, the November ballot’s Issue 1 and its implications were brought forth as a topic of discussion. A priest made one point very clear: We need to talk about this amendment to the Ohio constitution in a very different way than Catholics normally talk about …