Posts Tagged
Decree on Child Protection
Pope Francis lifts pontifical secret from legal proceedings of abuse trials of clerics

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Dec 17, 2019 / 04:12 am (CNA).- Pope Francis declared Tuesday that the pontifical secret will no longer apply in cases of accusations and trials involving abuse of minors or vulnerable persons, and in cases of possession of child pornography by clerics. With the instruction …
EthicsPoint Hotline

Employees, parishioners, volunteers, vendors and other interested parties are encouraged to report suspected misconduct of any kind via the EthicsPoint hotline. The EthicsPoint hotline provides a confidential means for reporting misconduct by calling 1-888-389-0381 or by submitting an online report through a link on the home page of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati website,, …
Seek the Lord: by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

The return of students for the beginning of the 2019-20 academic year highlights the grave responsibility that clerics, employees and volunteers serving in schools and parishes of the archdiocese share: protecting the children entrusted to our care. Because of our commitment to safety, I recently placed a priest on leave …
Archbishop Responds to Father Drew Being Placed on Leave of Absence (Updated August 29, 2019)

Updated August 29, 2019: During the weekend of July 27-28 it was announced at Masses that Father Geoff Drew, pastor of St. Ignatius Parish in Cincinnati, is on administrative leave. No further details were provided, which left many feeling frustrated. On Monday, July 29, parishioners attended a meeting at St. …
Archdiocese responds to Fr. Drew being placed on a leave of absence

Today the Archdiocese of Cincinnati held a press conference to address Father Geoff Drew being placed on leave. The following relates the series of events that led to this course of action: • In 2013 and again in 2015, the central office of the archdiocese received concerns from St. Maximilian …
Message from Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

June 17, 2019 Dear Friends in Christ, Over the last several months, many of us have been outraged and horrified by revelations of sexual abuse and cover-ups of such abuse perpetrated by some bishops in our country. This past week, I, along with the other bishops of our nation, gathered …
Pope Francis issues new laws for the Universal Church

We applaud the Holy Father, Pope Francis, for the new document, given motu proprio, i.e. on the pope’s own initiative, titled “Vos estis lux mundi” (“You are the light of the world”). The decree establishes new universal Church law for the crimes pertaining to sexual abuse within the Catholic Church. …
Q & A: Questions & Answers Regarding Pope Francis’s Motu Proprio Vos estis lux mundi

What does the new Motu Proprio do? The new Motu Proprio Vos estis lux mundi is a significant move forward for the universal Church, one that echoes many of the practices established in the U.S. Bishops’ Essential Norms and the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People that …
President of U.S. Bishops’ Conference Issues Statement on Pope Francis’s Motu Proprio Ordering Worldwide Response to the Evil of Sexual Abuse

May 9, 2019 WASHINGTON—Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of Galveston-Houston and President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the following statement regarding the release of Pope Francis’s Motu Proprio earlier today. The Motu Proprio, Vos estis lux mundi (“You are the light of the world”), is …
In new essay, Benedict XVI addresses sex abuse scandal

Vatican City, Apr 10, 2019 /(CNA).- In an essay published Thursday at CNA, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI offered his thoughts about the sex abuse crisis facing the Church. Benedict reviewed the sexual revolution of the 1960s, and examined its effects on priestly formation and life, before suggesting the Church’s proper …