Posts Tagged
December 2024
Summoned to Love with W.H. Auden’s “For the Time Being”

Among the rich and wonderful mysteries of the Incarnation is the intersection of time by eternity. Or perhaps the better formulation is that the Incarnation introduces a different kind of time from the chronological time by which we order our hours, days, weeks, months and years. This everyday account of …
Go Forth with Hope

On my birthday in October, I learned that my grandfather, Bob, had fallen and had five broken ribs and a brain bleed. His prognosis was grim, and my heart was heavy. There were many ups and downs for over a month while we were left unsure of his life expectancy. …
Feeding Families

As the National Eucharistic Revival concludes in June 2025, opportunities remain to not only celebrate the gift of the Eucharist but be transformed by it—moving beyond church walls to share Christ’s love and compassion with those most in need. The Eucharist is more than receiving Jesus’ Body and Blood, it …
Busca al Senor

El martes, 24 de diciembre por la tarde, el Papa Francisco presidirá la celebración de la Santa Misa en la Plaza de San Pedro para abrir oficialmente el Año Santo Jubilar de 2025, cuyo lema es Peregrinos de la Esperanza. El Santo Padre inicia su solemne Bula de convocación del …
St. Mary Hyde Park

St. Mary Parish in Hyde Park, now known for its English Gothic building with stained glass and woodwork from the country’s finest studios, held its first Masses in a former feed store. May 29, 1898 First Mass held for the new parish created by Archbishop Elder for parishioners then attending …
“Eschatological” Man – Part Three

Note: This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body” (TOB). As we continue to explore Pope St. John Paul II’s reflections on “eschatological man” (i.e., the human person in view of the final things), recall that in the resurrection of …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for December 2024

For pilgrims of hope We pray that this Jubilee Year strengthen our faith, helping us to recognize the Risen Christ in our daily lives, and that it may transform us into pilgrims of Christian hope.