Posts Tagged
death and dying
Anointing of the Sick and Last Rites

A friend of mine recently received “last rites.” Is there a difference between the anointing of the sick and last rites? The terms “anointing of the sick” and “last rites” are often used synonymously; however, they are not the same. Last rites, as the name suggests, is a final preparation …
What Catholics should know about brain death

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Apr 22, 2021 / 04:01 am America/Denver (CNA). The Catholic Church is clear in its teaching on when life begins: at conception. On death— described as “the end of man’s earthly pilgrimage”— the Church teaches in the Catechism of the Catholic Church that “life is …
The Key to a Happy Death

Father Mike Schmitz looks at the key to a happy death is not a long and fulfilled life—it’s a life of gratitude for the time given.
Death and Dying with Dignity

Twenty years ago, during the AIDS crisis, many Africans said, “You’re either infected or affected.” In this time of pandemic, many could say the same. If we haven’t personally suffered the loss of a loved one, we know someone who has. Everyone has seen the death tolls of those who …
Sheila Munafo-Kanoza: Founder of Companions on the Journey Walks With Children and Adults in Their Grief

For Sheila Munafo-Kanoza, life has not been the same since 1993. That is when her husband lost his 10-year battle with cancer, leaving behind her and their three children. Shortly thereafter, Munafo-Kanoza began helping others grieve by creating Companions on a Journey. As Munafo-Kanoza explained, everyone grieves differently. For her, …
Mind and Soul: Death Anxiety and Christian Hope

Death is a part of life. It may be paradoxical to say but is undeniably true. We cannot escape the reality that we will all face death – both ourselves and those we love. Yet we live much of our lives ignoring this basic fact. We distract ourselves away from …
Shine On: Death is only the Beginning…and other death-related cliches

“To die would be a great adventure.” – Peter Pan The 1991 film Hook, though met with little critical acclaim, remains a classic for many Millennials. Directed by the legendary Steven Spielberg and featuring music composed by the great John Williams, the film stars cinema giants Dustin Hoffman, Julia Roberts …
A Closer Look: When Christ Calls us, He calls us to die

On Apr. 9, 1945, German Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed by hanging at the Flossenbürg, Germany concentration camp two weeks before American troops liberated the prison. A mere 39-years-old, Bonhoeffer was arrested because he associated with parties who conspired to assassinate Hitler in July 1944. While he was active …
Being Pro-Life: New Life through Death

As Christians, we know the story of how, through Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection, He gave us the gift of eternal life. So when a loved one dies, we can rest in the assurance that they have new life with Jesus. How often do we remember, though, that we, too, …
Archbishop Schnurr invites faithful to prayer in August and September

Dear Friends in Christ, I invite you to join me and Catholics nationwide in a weekly moment of prayer from early August to late September for the legal protection of human life. As soon as Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy announced his retirement, pro-abortion groups began lobbying the U.S. Senate …