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Remembering the Dayton Shooting: Dayton Parishes & Sisters of the Precious Blood Honor Victims One Year Later

by Kary Ellen Berger On the morning of August 4, 2019, people in and around the Dayton area woke up to the horrifying news that a gunman took nine innocent lives and injured dozens of others in the city’s downtown Oregon District. In memory of those victims, the downtown Dayton …
One year later: We remember them all

by Sister Jeanette Buehler, C.PP.S. We remember their names: Megan Betts Monica Brickhouse Nicholas Cumer Derrick Fudge Thomas McNichols Lois Oglesby Saheed Saleh Logan Turner Beatrice Warren-Curtis Nearly a year ago, on Aug. 4, 2019, these nine people, as well as the perpetrator, Connor Betts, were killed in the mass …
The Corpus Christi Procession at Emmanuel Church in Dayton

The 19th Annual Corpus Christi Procession took place on Saturday, June 13th following the 5:15 p.m. Mass. A large crowd assembled to participate in this beautiful old tradition which takes our Lord out to the world.
Archdiocese celebrates life and legacy of Sister Dorothy Stang

By Eileen Connelly, OSU It’s a long way from Ohio to the Amazon rain forest, but a young woman from Dayton courageously followed her heart and answered God’s call to become a missionary and outspoken advocate for the poor and the environment. This would ultimately lead to her death at …
From the culinary industry, to feeding the most vulnerable, using the talents they know.

Chef Matt DeAngulo and Amanda DeLotelle, co-workers at the former Citilites restaurant in the Schuster Center, have reunited for a new project — SBT Chefs. “SBT Chefs is the brainchild of Chef DeAngulo,” DeLotelle, the Executive Director of Set the Banquet Table shared. “Shortly after the outbreak of COVID-19, DeAngulo …
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley Creating Partnerships to Serve

by Mike Lehner Inspired by the call of the Gospel, Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley (CSSMV) has served the poor, the hungry, the elderly and the disadvantaged for almost 100 years. From Montgomery County to the northernmost reach of the archdiocese in Auglaize County, CSSMV has emerged as …
Looking Back: Memorial Day storm damage in Dayton a year ago

by John Stegeman Catholic News Service DAYTON, Ohio (CNS) — Although Queen of Martyrs Catholic Church in Dayton sustained significant damage from the May 27 tornadoes that swept through the southwestern region of the state, a statue of Mary on the property remained standing next to the ruined bell …
Chaminade Julienne High School announces Josh Thomas as Head Coach for Men’s Soccer

When the Chaminade Julienne men’s soccer team kicks off the 2020 season, there will be a new head coach at the helm but he will be a familiar face to the Eagles faithful. After completing a thorough search process, Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School announced Friday that Josh Thomas – …
Dayton Catholic Women’s Club – Good Times Lead to Good Deeds

Good Times: Nearly 120 ladies attended the recent DCWC St. Patrick’s Day Card/Game Party and Luncheon, held at the Presidential Banquet Center in Kettering. DCWC Board Member and St. Pat Party Chair, Julianne McCain, was delighted with the turnout for the annual event, which was declared a huge success! DCWC …
University of Dayton discounts summer undergraduate tuition

The University of Dayton is discounting summer 2020 tuition for all undergraduate courses to help students continue to make progress toward their UD degrees during a period of significant disruption to their lives and their families’ circumstances. Summer tuition will be $875 per credit hour, a 46% discount from the …