Posts Tagged
Danny Scheible
Life on the Family Farm

Brent and Beth Schulze knew they wanted to raise their family on a farm, discussing their dream even when they were just dating. Brent grew up on a farm and knew the benefits of a life of hard work and simplicity. And Beth remembers, “My parents had an old barn …
Taking Christ Our Light to the People

by Matt Hess, photo by Danny Schneible Luke recounts to his readers that after Jesus’ death, two of His disciples embark on a journey. Jesus draws near to these friends and walks in their midst, though they do not initially recognize Him. They only became aware of His presence among …
Creation and Sustainable Farming

Carroll High School science teacher Todd Tayloe learned several years ago that one in seven jobs in the state of Ohio dealt with agriculture, and those jobs were going unfilled. In an effort to help students see alternative career options, he turned to hydroponics and aquaponics. Hydroponics is the process …
Forming Future Saints

Greenville’s tight-knit school puts faith first by Matt Hess Photos by Danny Schneible Tim Wiedenmann was uneasy about leaving his religion classroom at a larger school to become principal of St. Mary’s School in Greenville, OH. He expected to really miss interacting with students as an administrator, but now in …
Being Christ to Others

When you think of “stewardship,” what comes to mind? Is it money? Is it the act of caring for our sacred spaces? Or, is it perhaps a dedication towards spiritual growth? For members at Immaculate Conception Church in Celina, the parish has placed stewardship at the forefront for some time. …
Finding Common Ground

In the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s northern area, the many competitive sports teams foster small-town rivalries that provide good viewing and camaraderie among communities and families (even when cousins play against each other). One such team, the Marion Local Flyers, are noteworthy for both their successful athletic program and how their …