Posts Tagged
Dan Thimons
GENESIS Marriage Prep a Response to Culture of Death

by John Stegeman Genesis, the book of the Bible, is a story of beginnings. Taking its cue from there, GENESIS, a one-day retreat for engaged couples, hopes to get Catholic marriages off to a healthy and holy start. GENESIS is a marriage preparation retreat unique to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. …
Easter Triduum Reflections 2019

March 6: Ash Wednesday Invitation to prayer: Come, Holy Spirit. Guide me into and through this holy season of Lent. Reflection: As we celebrate Ash Wednesday and the beginning of our Lenten season, we hear the Lord’s invitation: “Return to me with your whole heart.” God is inviting us deeper …
CCL Conference celebrates Humanae Vitae anniversary

By Gail Finke Hundreds of people traveled from across the country to Cincinnati, many with large families in tow, for the Couple to Couple League’s conference on the 50thanniversary of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical on birth control. Now lauded as prophetic by many conservatives and social scientists, the encyclical titled …