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‘We are the Church’ – Archbishop Christophe Pierre reflects on the pandemic

by JD Flynn Washington D.C., Apr 16, 2020 / 05:00 am (CNA).- Archbishop Christophe Pierre was appointed apostolic nuncio to the United States in April 2016, after the archbishop had served as nuncio in Mexico, Uganda, and Haiti. As apostolic nuncio, Pierre is the Holy See’s diplomat to the United …
Las Cruces bishop first in US to resume public Masses amid pandemic

by Ed Condon Washington D.C., Apr 15, 2020 / 04:45 pm (CNA).- The Bishop of Las Cruces, New Mexico, has lifted a diocesan ban on the public celebration of Mass and told priests they may resume sacramental ministry if they follow state-ordered health precautions. He is the first U.S. bishop …
Roman priest offers Easter Mass on church roof amid coronavirus

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome, Italy, Apr 14, 2020 / 01:00 pm (CNA).- A pastor at a church in Rome offered Easter Mass from the roof of the church so nearby parishioners could participate from their balconies and windows during the coronavirus lockdown in Italy. Making the Mass visible in this …
Justice Department to act on unfair religious restrictions during coronavirus

Washington D.C., Apr 14, 2020 / 11:10 am (CNA).- The Justice Department (DOJ) has promised to act on any abuses of religious freedom after some state and local governments sought to enforce tough restrictions on Easter services during the coronavirus pandemic. On Saturday, DOJ spokeswoman Kerri Kupec tweeted that Attorney …
Bishops pray for victims of Easter storms

by Christine Rousselle Washington D.C., Apr 14, 2020 / 09:31 am (CNA).- The bishops of the United States have offered their prayers in solidarity with the victims of extreme weather over the Easter weekend. At least 30 people were killed due to severe weather across the southern U.S. April 12 …
Dayton Catholic Women’s Club – Good Times Lead to Good Deeds

Good Times: Nearly 120 ladies attended the recent DCWC St. Patrick’s Day Card/Game Party and Luncheon, held at the Presidential Banquet Center in Kettering. DCWC Board Member and St. Pat Party Chair, Julianne McCain, was delighted with the turnout for the annual event, which was declared a huge success! DCWC …
University of Dayton discounts summer undergraduate tuition

The University of Dayton is discounting summer 2020 tuition for all undergraduate courses to help students continue to make progress toward their UD degrees during a period of significant disruption to their lives and their families’ circumstances. Summer tuition will be $875 per credit hour, a 46% discount from the …
Gate of Heaven Cemetery updated hours

From Gate of Heaven Cemetery: Public access to Gate of Heaven Catholic Cemetery effective April, 13, 2020. In our continuing effort to protect our employees and guests from the ongoing threat of the COVID-19 virus, and in conjunction with the current “Stay-At-Home” order in the State of Ohio, Gate of …
Today’s Video: Be not Afraid

Father Casey Cole OFM looks at the strange circumstances this year, we are probably experiencing more fear this Easter than ever before. Jesus tells us: do not be afraid. He is Risen, Alleluia!
Andrea Bocelli will livestream Easter concert from Milan cathedral

CNA Staff, Apr 11, 2020 / 01:50 pm (CNA).- Famed Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli will livestream on Easter Sunday a solo concert from the Santa Maria Nascente Cathedral in Milan. The performer says he aims to send a message of hope, love, and healing to the world amid the global coronavirus …