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Six sisters from same Italian convent have died, as coronavirus spreads among religious orders

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Mar 30, 2020 / 09:06 am (CNA).- Six sisters in one northern Italian convent have died of coronavirus, and nine sisters are being treated in the hospital after testing positive for COVID-19, according to Italian media. Coronavirus is spreading among several religious houses in Italy. …
Brooklyn pastor is first Catholic priest in US known to die of coronavirus

CNA Staff, Mar 27, 2020 / 10:21 pm (CNA).- A Brooklyn parish announced the death of its pastor, Fr. Jorge Ortiz-Garay, who died of coronavirus at approximately 6 p.m Friday evening. The priest is the first in the U.S. known to have died from the virus. Journalist Rocco Palmo was …
Miraculous crucifix moved to St. Peter’s Square for Pope Francis’ ‘Urbi et Orbi’ blessing

Vatican City, Mar 25, 2020 / 03:10 pm (CNA).- The miraculous crucifix at which Pope Francis prayed Sunday for an end to the coronavirus has been taken down from its altar and transported to St. Peter’s Square, so it can be present on Friday during the pontiff’s benediction “Urbi et …
Illinois religious order funds hotel initiative to protect homeless from coronavirus

By Perry West Chicago, Ill., Mar 26, 2020 / 03:38 pm (CNA).- As homeless shelters have been limited by the coronavirus, the Clerics of Saint Viator will help fund an initiative to house homeless people amid the pandemic. The religious order based in Arlington Heights, a Chicago suburb, has donated …
A sickness and a silver crown: How Saint Louis University survived the cholera epidemic of 1849

By Joe Slama St. Louis, Mo., Mar 25, 2020 / 01:30 pm (CNA).- In the basement of St. Francis Xavier College Church on the campus of Saint Louis University stands a statue of the Blessed Mother and the Child Jesus. Cut from plain white stone, the statue stands smaller-than-life on …
St. Vincent de Paul Dayton launches Operation STOPCOVID

Dayton, Ohio: Today the St. Vincent de Paul Society homeless shelters launched Operation STOPCOVID, an effort to temporarily reduce the density of men, women, and children in shelter during the COVID-19 crisis. “Through the generosity of our benefactors, the help of Miami Valley RTA, and the wonderful cooperation of Red …
Seek the Lord by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, we find ourselves in a time of confusion, fear, and tension. The range of thoughts and concerns which weigh upon each of us is vast, knowing that the pattern of our lives has quickly become very different than it was mere days ago. …
Busca al Senorpor Arzobispo Dennis M. Schnurr

Mis queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo, nos encontramos en un momento de confusión, miedo y tensión. La extensión de pensamientos y preocupaciones que pesa sobre cada uno de nosotros es enorme, sabiendo que el patrón de nuestras vidas se ha vuelto rápidamente muy diferente de lo que era hace …
Archbishop Schnurr COVID-19 Radio interview 3-19-20

Anna Mitchell from Sacred Heart Radio interviews Archbishop Schnurr about the difficult decisions being made, relating to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Pope Francis to give a special Urbi et Orbi blessing amid coronavirus pandemic

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Mar 22, 2020 / 11:30 am (CNA).- Pope Francis announced Sunday that he will give an extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing this week with the opportunity for Catholics to receive a plenary indulgence by tuning in via media. “This Friday, March 27 at 6 p.m., …