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Two Catholic U.S. Military Chaplain Candidates Ordained Transitional Deacons

The Reverend Mr. Michael Kapolka and the Rev. Mr. Edward Hoffmann reach next-to-last step in formational journey toward priestly ordination CINCINNATI, OH – Two prospective Catholic U.S. Military chaplains were ordained transitional deacons on Saturday, April 25, 2020, in Cincinnati, OH. The Reverend Mr. Michael Kapolka, 2d Lt, USAFR, and …
Today’s Video: Jesus is with you!

This is a homily for the 3rd week of Easter. Jesus appears to the disciples on the way to Emmaus, but it is only in the breaking of the bread that they truly see him. Meals are a means of encountering one another, and so I exhort you this week …
Texas ends emergency ban on elective abortions, but questions remain

CNA Staff, Apr 24, 2020 / 06:00 pm MT (CNA).- The controversy over whether Texas abortion clinics must comply with coronavirus-related emergency orders to halt elective surgeries statewide has now been rendered outdated by a new executive order allowing some surgeries to take place. However, there are continued questions about …
‘This is exactly what we want to be doing’: A friar’s life in Brooklyn during coronavirus

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Apr 25, 2020 / 12:00 pm MT (CNA).- Fr. Brendan Buckley, OFM. Cap., had never heard of the Zoom before this past March and the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. After his home in the Diocese of Brooklyn became a center of COVID-19 illness …
Pope: The ‘greatest reality’ is God’s love, not past disappointments

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Apr 26, 2020 / 05:56 am MT (CNA).- Jesus invites us to live with him in the present and not to get stuck in the disappointments and ‘what ifs’ of the past, Pope Francis said in his message before the Regina coeli antiphon on Sunday. …
Catholic Leaders Respond to Administration’s Halt to Immigration with a Call for Unity in the Effort to Overcome COVID-19

April 23, 2020 WASHINGTON – Responding to the proclamation signed by President Trump announcing a temporary reviewable immigration halt, Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville, auxiliary bishop of Washington and chairman of the USCCB’s Committee on …
Pope Francis urges Catholics to unite through praying the rosary in May

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Apr 25, 2020 / 07:15 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis sent a letter Saturday encouraging Catholics to pray the rosary throughout May. He also shared two new prayers to implore the help of the Virgin Mary during the coronavirus pandemic. “Contemplating the face of Christ …
Today’s Video: Why Doesn’t God Answer Our Prayers?

Jesus tells us that if we knock, the door will be opened to us, that all who come to him in prayer will get what they want. But this isn’t always the case, is it? Sometimes, our prayers are not answered. What does this say about God, and how do …
Unemployed due to coronavirus? There’s a saint for that.

CNA Staff, Apr 24, 2020 / 03:00 am MT (CNA).- Since the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic in the United States, at least 26 million people have filed for unemployment. Economists say the U.S. now has levels of unemployment close to those of the Great Depression As with most things, …
Three more US bishops announce return of public Masses

CNA Staff, Apr 23, 2020 / 08:45 pm MT (CNA).- Three Catholic dioceses have announced this week they will resume public celebration of Mass, subject to the requirements of public health orders and social distancing. The Montana dioceses of Great Falls-Billings and Helena both announced the re-openings on Thursday, April …