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By Kate Quiñones CNA Staff, Mar 5, 2025 / 14:40 pm Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore has decided to lower the age of confirmation to 9 in a move designed to increase family involvement in the formation of youth. Amid growing disaffiliation from the Church, Catholic leaders across the country …

by Katie Sciba Congratulations! You’re a brand new godparent to a brand-new Catholic! From here on out, you have a duty to nurture and cultivate the Catholic faith in the heart of your godchild. It’s a big undertaking and can be one of the most significant roles you’ll ever have! …

On February 10th of this year, our oldest son received his Confirmation. It was a day of great anticipation and excitement and another milestone in the life of a child whose beginning was a battle. Justin was born with a hole in his diaphragm. His liver and part of his …

by Jonah McKeown Denver Newsroom, Apr 3, 2021 / 12:01 pm MT (CNA).- Despite difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, parishes are welcoming groups of catechumens and candidates into the Catholic Church this Easter who have had to learn about the faith largely through virtual meetings. One such parish is St. …

In the Catholic Church, the Sacrament of Confirmation provides an outpouring of Grace from the Holy Spirit – the same outpouring of Grace the 12 Apostles received on Pentecost. Contained within this outpouring of Grace are gifts from the Holy Spirit: Wisdom, Knowledge, Right Judgment, Understanding, Courage, Piety, and Fear …

Communication and confirmation: St Rita offers deaf Mexican teen faith, home, communication By Eileen Connelly, OSU A profoundly deaf teenager from Mexico is now receiving the education and the spiritual formation he and his parents dreamed of for many years. Roberto, a student at St. Rita School for the Deaf, was …

Chicago Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Perry visited Dayton’s Holy Family Parish Oct. 7 for a confirmation in the Tridentine Latin rite and a Pontifical Solemn High Mass, an elaborate type of Mass that can be celebrated only by a bishop. Holy Family doesn’t know of any such Masses taking place in the …