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For Pope Francis, a year of reform and evangelization

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — As leader of the universal church, a pope must direct his ministry in both of the ways traditionally described by the Latin terms “ad intra” and “ad extra”: inwardly to the church itself, and outwardly to the rest of the …
Vatican medical experts OK reported miracle attributed to Archbishop Sheen
By Catholic News Service PEORIA, Ill. — A seven-member team of medical experts convoked by the Vatican reported there is no natural explanation for the survival of a child delivered stillborn and whose heart did not start beating until 61 minutes after his birth.
Lent comes ‘to reawaken us,’ pope says at Ash Wednesday Mass

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service ROME — Lent is meant to wake up Christians and help them see that God can give them the strength to change their lives and their surroundings, Pope Francis said. Before receiving and distributing ashes at an evening Mass March 5, Ash Wednesday, Pope …
Go directly to confession, don’t wait, pope says at audience

Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — If you haven’t been to confession recently, don’t wait, Pope Francis told people at his weekly general audience. One may walk into the confessional with a heavy heart, but forgiveness brings freedom and lightness. “If a lot of time has passed, don’t lose even …
U.N. Committee demands Vatican action on clerical abuse charges
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child continued to insist that the Vatican compile and publish detailed statistics on clerical sexual abuse of minors and that the pope, as head of the church, can and should order Catholic dioceses …
Pope’s Lenten Message: Follow Jesus in seeking out the poor and sinners

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Courageously follow Jesus in seeking out the poor and sinners, and in making difficult sacrifices in order to help and heal others, Pope Francis said. Christians are called to confront the material, spiritual and moral destitution of “our brothers and sisters, …
Pope Francis urges Catholic universities to sustain church teachings, identity
By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Catholic universities must give “uncompromising” and “unambiguous” witness to church teaching and defend themselves from all efforts to dilute their Catholic identity, Pope Francis said.
Despite reports, return of Somali refugees limited, bishop says
By Francis Njuguna Catholic News Service NAIROBI, Kenya — While many Somali refugees wish to return home, just a small number have been able to do so because of ongoing violence in parts of their homeland, said Bishop Giorgio Bertin of Djibouti, apostolic administrator of Somalia’s only Catholic diocese, Mogadishu.
Pro-lifers told to stay hopeful to overcome ‘shrine to personal choice’
By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The winter storm that dealt a chilly body blow from the Great Plains to the East Coast may have rendered Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia unable to come to Washington to celebrate the Jan. 22 closing Mass of the annual National …
Nine days of prayer part of Roe v. Wade anniversary events for 2014

By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — For the second year in a row, the U.S. Catholic bishops are sponsoring “Nine Days for Life: Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage,” planned for Jan. 18-26 this year, as part of several events marking the 41st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion virtually on …