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Bishops object to death penalty as punishment in Boston bomber case
By Christopher S. Pineo & Gregory L. Tracy Catholic News Service BOSTON — As the trial of Boston Marathon bombing defendant Dzhokhar Tsarnaev went to the jury April 6, the Catholic bishops of Massachusetts released a statement reiterating the church’s teaching on the death penalty. The Catholic Church opposes the …
Pope: Don’t miss Christ this Christmas; take time, be ready, let him in

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — God is knocking to come into people’s lives, so be attentive, humble and courageous to let him in, Pope Francis said. “When we feel in our heart: ‘I want to be good, to be better … I feel sorry for what …
Support Catholic religious in their mission, ministries, pope says
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — During the Year of Consecrated Life, all Catholics are called to thank God for the gifts members of religious orders have given the church and the world, to join them in prayer and find practical ways to support them and their ministries, Pope …
Anglican, Lutheran delegates say synod’s concerns are theirs, too
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Upholding the Christian ideal of marriage and family life while also reaching out to those whose lives do not reflect that ideal is a pastoral challenge faced by all Christian communities, said the Anglican representative to the Synod of Bishops. Anglican …
Synod fathers ask: Does church need to watch language?

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — In official reports of the closed-door talks at the Synod of Bishops on the family, an emerging theme has been the call for a new kind of language more appropriate for pastoral care today. “Language appeared many, many times,” Basilian …
Speakers tell pope, synod that parishes should welcome same-sex couples
By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — A married couple told Pope Francis and the Synod of Bishops on the family that Catholic parishes should welcome same-sex couples, following the example of parents who invite their son and his male partner to their home for Christmas. “The …
Latin American families challenged by poverty, violence, social norms
By Ezra Fieser Catholic News Service SANTO DOMINGO, Dominican Republic — Poverty, violence and changing social norms are causing the disintegration of the family structure across Latin America, church workers in the region said in advance of the October gathering of bishops in the Vatican to discuss pressures families face.
Cardinal George joins cancer drug clinical trial
By Catholic News Service CHICAGO — Chicago Cardinal Francis E. George is participating in a clinical research trial for a new cancer drug, the Archdiocese of Chicago announced Aug. 22. Cardinal George was first diagnosed with bladder cancer in 2006 and had a recurrence of cancer announced in 2012.
Bishop hopes Hawaii cathedral will be ‘spiritual destination’
By Patrick Downes Catholic News Service HONOLULU — The Vatican has designated Honolulu’s Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace as a minor basilica in recognition of its historic and spiritual significance.