Posts Tagged
Civilize It
Ohio senate race: What Catholics should know about J.D. Vance, Tim Ryan

by Jonah McKeown, Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 28, 2022 / 14:10 pm The U.S. Senate race in Ohio, set to be decided at the midterm elections on Nov. 8, features a pair of Catholics with diverging policy positions. Republican J.D. Vance, a Catholic convert, is squaring off against Rep. …
Civilize It! Modeling God’s Love in Our Interactions With Others

by Bonny Van When it comes to politics, Catholic leaders are encouraging the faithful to “Civilize It!” The initiative, developed in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati four years ago, is now taking on a national audience, thanks to a plug by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). Tony Stieritz, …
US bishops launch ‘Civilize It,’ answering Pope Francis’ call for ‘a better kind of politics’

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 7, 2021 / 13:30 pm The U.S. bishops’ conference on Monday launched a new initiative to promote civility amid political polarization, appealing to Pope Francis’ 2020 encyclical Fratelli Tutti “My hope is that this initiative will assist all of us as we seek …
iVoteCatholic: New Archdiocesan Initiative Aims to Form Faithful Citizens

by Michelle Dushensky It’s that time of year again: election season. As citizens of this country, we are called to participate. As Catholics, our faith calls us to not just participate by casting a vote, but to do so in a manner that is consistent with the mission of Jesus. …
US bishops launch novena for Election Day

CNA Staff, Oct 21, 2020 / 03:00 pm MT (CNA).- The bishops of the United States are encouraging Catholics to pray a novena to help form their consciences ahead of Election Day on Nov. 3. “For nine consecutive days, Monday, October 26 through Tuesday, Nov. 3, participants will be encouraged …
Today’s Video: Why Are We So Divided Right Now?

Is it just us, or does the world seem a bit divided right now? Human beings were not only created with a unique purpose, but also created to live in community. However, there are two things that can disrupt this call: division and distraction. Why these two? Well, distractions are …
Where Catholic likely voters stand on issues, candidates, ahead of presidential election

CNA Staff, Oct 19, 2020 / 04:20 pm MT (CNA).- A poll released this week has found that Catholics from both major political parties said they want candidates to support religious freedom and oppose taxpayer funding of abortion, while they identified the economy and the coronavirus pandemic as major concerns …
Survey finds correlation between Catholic Mass attendance, political views

CNA Staff, Sep 21, 2020 / 06:00 pm MT (CNA).- A recent survey has found a correlation between the religious practices of Catholic likely voters, their party affiliation, and the political issues they say are important, with Catholics who attend Mass regularly saying they are more concerned about abortion, among …
Pennsylvania bishop tells Catholics: Vote with life ‘uppermost in mind’

by Matt Hadro Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 16, 2020 / 03:15 pm MT (CNA).- Defense of innocent human life should be “uppermost” in the mind of Catholic voters at election time, the bishop of Allentown, Pennsylvania, has told Catholics in his diocese. In a letter issued Sept. 9 on voting …
Cardinal Tobin says Biden remarks not ‘endorsement’ of candidate

CNA Staff, Sep 16, 2020 / 01:45 pm MT (CNA).- Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark said on Tuesday that voters could choose Joe Biden in good conscience, and suggested he would have difficulty voting for President Donald Trump. The cardinal told CNA Sept. 16 that his comments were not intended …