Posts Tagged
Cincinnati Reds
A Catholic Response to Homophobic Slur

by Father Kyle Schnippel On Aug. 19, 2020, Cincinnati Reds Broadcaster Thom Brennaman uttered an ill-conceived and ill-advised homophobic slur as the broadcast returned to air. Thinking his mic was still dead, he spoke a word that was full of hatred and bigotry towards those who experience same sex attraction, …
Throwback Thursday: Opening Day 2019

Today was supposed to be MLB’s Opening Day. The Parade would start at Noon, and the Cincinnati Reds hosting the St. Louis Cardinals at 4:10 p.m.. The Forecast for today is amazing, partly to mostly cloudy, temps in the low 70’s! Life has changed for all of us, so patience …
Looking Back: Former Reds mascot makes connection to faith through youth ministry

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Bradley Barnes recalls the youth ministers who inspired him when he was a child and in his teenage years. Now he hopes to do the same for the young people at Guardian Angels Parish in Mt. Washington, where he has served as coordinator …
Nationals’ Catholic chaplain calls the World Series team his parish

IMAGE: CNS photo/Chaz Muth By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — Like most parish priests, Msgr. Stephen Rossetti celebrates Mass, baptizes babies, gives marriage preparation talks and provides pastoral care that often involves listening to people or praying with them. He also frequently blesses baseball bats. That’s because the priest, a …
The Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Celebrate Cincinnati’s Celtic Heritage

By Rebecca Sontag When the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick Foundation decided to resurrect the on-again, off-again Cincinnati Celtic Festival, retired Army Colonel Dan Shea said to his fellow members, “There’s a couple things we have to do. We need to have a grand opening ceremony, and we have to …
Reds Fans Donate Food to Benefit SVdP Food Pantries

St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) food pantries are now able to provide 5,000 additional meals this summer to struggling families. The Cincinnati Reds and St. Vincent de Paul’s annual “Strike Out Hunger” food drive on Friday, May 31, and Saturday, June 1, brought in 6,250 pounds—more than three tons—of non-perishable …
Contagiously Catholic: Lessons in Parish Leadership from the Cincinnati Reds

By Sean Ater – The game of baseball is a great analogy for an evangelizing parish. We love the analogy so much that we built our evangelization process around the analogy. One analogy that we can make between baseball and an evangelizing parish has to do with the critical role …

In the 1950’s every spring the altar servers of our parish would get an “afternoon off” from school to go watch a Reds baseball game. It was a big deal! Sun or snow, the 6:00 AM weekday or 10:00AM Saturday funeral mass, altar servers could be counted on for their …
Opening Day: The Archdiocese of Cincinnati in the Findlay Market Parade

The Cincinnati Reds were the 1st Major League Baseball team in 1869. Celebrating 150 years, the Archdiocesan Central Offices, Mascots from our Catholic High Schools, and the Drum Line from Purcell Marian High School marched in the 100th Findlay Market Opening Day Parade. In 1869, Archbishop John Baptist Purcell led …
Cincinnati Reds “Strike out Hunger” with St. Vincent De Paul

Fans who donate to annual food drive on June 22 and 23 receive a free Reds ticket St. Vincent de Paul – Cincinnati, the Cincinnati Reds, WLWT, and 700WLW are partnering to “Strike Out Hunger” across Greater Cincinnati by hosting a food donation drive when the Reds play the Chicago …