Posts Tagged
Church at Home
Nurturing YOUR FAITH Resources to Keep the Fire of Your Faith Burning at All Stages of Life

by Katie Sciba The Catholic Church offers belonging to everyone regardless of your status in life. Children, teens, singles, marrieds, parents and seniors can live a full Catholic life, both serving others and being spiritually fed by Jesus. Our faith is a fire in need of inspiration to stay lit …

by Katie Sciba The domestic church is a family’s experience of being Catholic at home, but setting our attention on the things beyond this world can be a challenge when our to-dos are right in front of us. To focus your heart on faith, we recommend going through your basic …
Catholic at Home: How to pray as a couple and why it is essential

My friend was a new blushing bride when she suggested to her husband that they start praying together. Daunted by the idea and clueless as to how to go about it, her husband nervously declined, saying that he needed to work on his one-on-one relationship with God before he worked …
DC parish fills pews with food for parishioners in need

by Kate Scanlon Washington D.C., May 13, 2020 / 12:00 pm MT (CNA).- Public masses remain suspended in the Archdiocese of Washington amid the coronavirus pandemic, but the pews at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart are not empty. Priests, parishioners, and staff at Sacred Heart Parish recently assembled 500 …
The Role of Family in God’s Designs From “House Churches” to the “Domestic Church”

by Father Robert J. Hater The old black rosary hangs on the headboard of the bedroom once occupied by my father and mother. More than 60 years ago my father brought it home, a gift from a Marianist brother who gave it to him for Christmas. It’s been there ever …
‘Where is God right now?’ How imagination can aid our faith in quarantine

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome, Italy, Apr 22, 2020 / 03:16 am MT (CNA).- Living under coronavirus-caused quarantines and stay-at-home orders, many Catholics may find themselves unable to practice the faith in the ways to which they are accustomed. When you can’t attend Mass, receive the Eucharist, or even go to …
Seize the Moment: Barbecue and a Taste of Heaven

I love barbecue. Seriously, my heart yearns for it. Owensboro, KY, where I’m from, is actually the epicenter of a unique variety: mutton barbecue. Mutton is meat from sheep around three years old, as opposed to lamb, which is meat from sheep less than a year old. It starts out …
Catholic at Home: The Holy Blaze of Real Romance

It’s almost St. Valentine’s Day. Yes, please. It’s my favorite non-Christmas holiday of the whole year, a spark of warmth in winter’s chill, a day when I’m allowed to unleash the mushy, lovey dovey because I’m a wife who loves romance. But I know plenty of romance-loving spouses who don’t …
Are millennial Christians really killing evangelization?

by Mary Farrow Washington D.C., Dec 23, 2019 / 03:06 pm (CNA).- Millennials are notoriously blamed for being killers of previously-thought-necessary industries and activities: Applebees. Napkins. Golf. Mayonnaise. Lunch. And so on. For the ever-shrinking number of millennials who are practicing Christians, could evangelization be on the chopping block next? …
Church at Home: by Katie Sciba Verso l’Alto with Kids in Tow

There’s nothing on Earth like being in Sunday Mass. After sliding into the pew and getting settled with my family, I’m sure that, right there and then, I’m right where the Lord wants us to be. As a mom of five kids ranging from 2 to 9 years old, my …