Posts Tagged
Church and state
Throwback Thursday: Just keep slugging

Despite snow today in some parts of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, there are signs of spring on the horizon. Lent is in full swing en route to Easter, the weather is slowly beginning to warm, and baseball is back on the radar. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is home to the …
Supporters of traditional marriage gather outside courthouse

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Dwarfed in size and volume by an opposing rally less than a block away, roughly 30 people gathered to pray for the Sixth Circuit court to uphold traditional marriage outside the Potter Stewart Courthouse Wednesday in downtown Cincinnati. The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, …
Live Tweets: Marriage supporters expected to gather outside courthouse today

Staff Report Today, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Cincinnati, will review challenges to laws upholding traditional marriage in four states — Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Tennessee. The court will review all the cases together.
Archbishop Schnurr urges prayer for pending same-sex marriage cases

Staff Report On Wednesday, August 4, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, based in Cincinnati, will review challenges to laws upholding traditional marriage in four states — Ohio, Kentucky, Michigan and Tennessee. The court will review all the cases together.
Archbishop’s letter urges participation in Fortnight for Freedom
Editor’s Note Due to technical difficulties, the “Preserve Religious Freedom” poster referenced in Archbishop Dennis M Schnurr’s letter in the June edition of The Catholic Telegraph did not appear in print. However, the poster is available for free download HERE. You can get a printed copy by calling 513 421-3131 Extension 6608 or …
Pope is most influential, second most-followed world leader on Twitter

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service Pope Francis is the most influential world leader on Twitter, with the highest number of retweets worldwide. He also is the second most-followed leader of the world, running behind — albeit by a long stretch — U.S. President Barack Obama.
From Italian coast to U.S. desert, church leaders weigh in for migrants

By Patricia Zapor Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — As pressure to pass an immigration reform bill shifted to the House of Representatives in July, the voices speaking out for more humane treatment of migrants included Pope Francis and former President George W. Bush.
Bishop urges House to resist cutting, restructuring nutrition programs
By Mark Pattison Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) — The House must resist changes that would weaken the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and other federal nutrition initiatives, said the head of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.
Supreme Court rules DOMA unconstitutional

Staff Report The Supreme Court of the United States ruled Wednesday morning that the Defense of Marriage Act, better known as DOMA, is unconstitutional. The decision was split 5-4 in the case officially known as U.S. vs. Windsor. More on this topic: Supreme Court decisions on DOMA, Prop 8 called …
Fortnight for Freedom is underway

Staff Report “We are Catholics. We are Americans. We are proud to be both, grateful for the gift of faith which is ours as Christian disciples, and grateful for the gift of liberty which is ours as American citizens. To be Catholic and American should mean not having to choose …