Posts Tagged
Christopher Komoroski
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrates ordination of three priests

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr ordained Fathers Chris Komoroski, Benson Lokidiriyo and Andrew Reckers to the priesthood on May 16 at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Because of the pandemic, attendance at the ordination was by invitation only. The ceremony was live-streamed to thousands. Before the Mass ended, first …
Live Mass: Father Chris Komoroski offers his 1st Mass: a Mass of Thanksgiving 5/17/20 10:00 a.m.

Father Chris Komoroski offers his 1st Mass: a Mass of Thanksgiving
Ordination May 16, 2020: St. Peter in Chains Cathedral 11:00 a.m.

Welcome to the Ordination of Chris Komoroski, Benson Lokidiriyo and Andrew Reckers.. Live from St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, 11:00 a.m.
Advent Reflections by our Seminarians

December 25th, Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord – Christmas Deacon Ambrose Dobrozsi The great time of waiting is over. Christmas has finally come! The time of darkness is at an end, and the light of Christ has entered the world to change it forever. What Isaiah declared in …