Posts Tagged
Christian Persecution
Mark Houck: My family’s photo is on Mother Teresa’s tomb

by Joe Bukuras Boston, Mass., Oct 17, 2022 / 16:11 pm Mark Houck, the Catholic pro-life father of seven who was arrested last month after a controversial early-morning FBI raid at his home, says Mother Teresa’s nuns in the Missionaries of Charity have placed a photo of his family on …
This Muslim NBA vet is marching for persecuted Christians on Saturday

by Joe Bukuras Boston, Mass., Sep 23, 2022 / 11:00 am NBA veteran Enes Kanter Freedom has been using his platform as a professional basketball player to take direct aim at the Chinese Communist Party for its egregious human rights abuses. “People need to understand this … the Chinese Communist Party …
Afghan Christian’s plea to CNA: ‘You are my last hope’

by Shannon Mullen Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 8, 2021 / 15:12 pm He says the Taliban executed his father. And his brother. Now, they are hunting for him. “Please do something,” he wrote in a plea to CNA. He is a young Afghan, one of countless thousands still desperate to …
Pope Francis to Catholics: Do not fear persecution, violence

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Jun 21, 2020 / 06:41 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis on Sunday encouraged Christians to fear sin, not the hostility, violence, or persecution they may face when sharing the Gospel with the world. “Jesus advises these disciples of yesterday and today who suffer persecution: ‘do …
Pope begs governments to act to stop anti-Christian persecution
By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — “Do something to put a stop to the violence and oppression,” Pope Francis asked the international community after calling attention once again to the fate of persecuted Christians, especially in the Middle East. After reciting the Angelus Aug. 30, Pope Francis told …
Christian patriarchs denounce silence on persecution in Mideast
By Doreen Abi Raad Catholic News Service BEIRUT — Mideast Catholic and Orthodox patriarchs denounced the “total international silence” on the persecution of Christians in the Middle East and called for Muslim religious authorities to issue fatwas, or legal edicts, banning attacks against Christians and “other innocents.”