Posts Tagged
Chris Komoroski
Lenten Reflections 2021

April 4: Easter Sunday Readings: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6-8b; John 20:1-9 Invitation to Prayer: O Risen Lord, as you run out to meet me, grant me the grace to eagerly seek your face that I may discover true life! Reflection: Fra …
Meet the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s New Priests

A Q& A with Deacons Chris Komoroski, Benson Lokidiriyo and Andrew Reckers, who will be ordained to the priesthood on May 16. DEACON CHRISTOPHER KOMOROSKI Tell us a little bit about you personally. I was born in Arkansas, but moved to Cincinnati when I was 10. My home parish is …
Photo Essay: Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrates Mass at the Lebanon Correctional Institution

On December 26 Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, Transitional Deacon Chris Komoroski, and Father Jason Williams traveled to the Lebanon Correctional Facility in Warren County to celebrate Mass and to confer the rites of baptism and confirmation. (Photos by Emma Cassani)