Posts Tagged
Chaminade-Julienne High School
Hoops Report: Alter girls finish perfect season with state championship
Staff Report Perfection is the goal of all athletes and nothing symbolizes perfection like an unbeaten record and a state championship trophy. Archbishop Alter High School in Kettering sent its girls all the way to the state championship game last year, but the Lady Knights fell short. This season, there …
Around the Archdiocese: First week of December
Staff Report Below are news items from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Mercy students collect canned goods with papal flair Mother of Mercy High School was one of many to collect food for the needy prior to thanksgiving, but the Bobcats did it with a unique approach. Two weeks before …
Memories of Lucas still inspiring CJ community
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Through the end of his junior year at Chaminade Julienne High School, 17-year-old Lucas Pfander had maintained perfect attendance. The fact that he’d never missed a day only made his absence at the start of the next school year seem that much larger. On …
Su Casa, 5 individuals win Sister Stang Award
By John Stegeman & Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Named for a modern-day martyr, the Spirit of Sister Dorothy Stang Award is given to those in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who exemplify love of the poor, and love of the Earth as Sister Dorothy did.
Tree-planting event honors memory of Sister Dorothy Stang
Press Release Tiny seedlings and a prayer service have grown together to form an annual remembrance of Notre Dame de Namur Sister Dorothy Stang, who was killed in the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil while protecting the rights of indigenous farm families. Stang was a Dayton, Ohio native but a naturalized …
Chaminade Julienne announces CJ STEMM Center
By John Stegeman DAYTON — While political pundits often lament the demise of education, students at Catholic schools in the archdiocese are still privy to an education that is not only excellent, but ever-improving. Toward that end, Chaminade Julienne High School announced plans Jan. 9 for a $4 million dollar …
Chaminade-Julienne dedicates new student conditioning center
Friday, October 15, 2010 DAYTON DEANERY — Chaminade-Julienne High School held a ribbon cutting and dedication ceremony for the school’s new Student Conditioning Center and Blue Green Field Sept. 22. Michael Ervin, co-chairperson of Greater Downtown Dayton Plan and vice-chairperson of the Downtown Dayton Partnership, and Dan McCabe, Dayton Power …
Missionaries of the future: ‘Where faith meets with service’
Thursday, October 7, 2010 By David Eck ARCHDIOCESE — At an age when most high school seniors don’t even know what careers they want to pursue, much less how they can serve others throughout their lives, Zach Starkey is an exception.