Posts Tagged
Catholic Social Action
Pilgrims to Rome continue to share pope’s message of hope

Pope Francis shared a message of forgiveness, compassion and hope during the Jubilee for Prisoners as the Year of Mercy came to a close in November. As part of the celebration, he also received greetings and prayers from inmates from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Twenty-three local pilgrims traveled to Rome …
Latino Catechists enrich local church

By Sister Tracy Kemme, SC Ever Reynoso struggled to find a Catholic parish that would welcome Latino immigrants, when he arrived in Cincinnati in 2004 after an arduous journey from Guatemala. Twelve years later, he is studying to be a catechist in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Dina Beach, the Assistant …
Archdiocesan program addresses faithful sustainability

By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Exploring how the local church can reduce its environmental impact brought parish facilities managers and homeowners to St. John the Evangelist Parish in West Chester April 25 About 25 facilities managers and an equal number of homeowners from across Greater Cincinnati and Dayton …
Lenten effort challenged Miami Valley residents to stand in solidarity with the hungry

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Shopping for and preparing meals isn’t easy for people who live on a limited incomes and lack transportation. This includes urban neighborhoods in the Dayton area, ranked fourth in the nation for food hardship. For one week in Lent (March 22-38) the Catholic …
Dismas Journey welcomes returning citizens
By Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph We’re all sinners in our own way,” said Tony Stieritz, director of the archdiocesan Catholic Social Action Office. “We’re all on this Dismas Journey together.”
St. Vivian will host ‘Dismas Journey’
Staff Report St. Vivian Catholic church will host ‘Dismas Journey: A Dialogue on Reentry, Opportunity, and Justice’ from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. on Thursday July 25. Attendees will be asked the following questions: Can Ohio build a more redemptive criminal justice system? How can Cincinnati’s Catholic community provide for more …
More than 300 students celebrate 50th anniversary of Pacem in Terris at XU

By Jean Lim For The Catholic Telegraph How do you see yourself as hope to a world that desperately needs persons of faith to bring it closer to peace? That question was the focus of events at Xavier University on April 18 commemorating the 50th anniversary of Pacem in Terris …