Posts Tagged
catholic service
The Drive to do More at St. Ursula Academy

For nearly 20 years, St. Ursula Academy (SUA) students have participated in DRIVE. It’s not a drive on the road, but rather an internal drive. And one that is an all-encompassing effort to support Cincinnati-area organizations. SUA’s DRIVE stands for Donate, Respond, Invest, Value and Educate. “Our Community DRIVE has …
Forming students to be servants begins in Catholic School

If you looked in St. Gertrude School’s windows on their service day last year, you would have seen elementary students bustling about the room, creating welcome cards to Afghan refugees. The reason? A partnership between Catholic schools and Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio (CCSWO). Mary Anne Bressler is the Parish …
Global, Creative, Immersive Learning

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary’s definition of “immerse” is: “to plunge into something that surrounds or covers.” Students at St. Ursula Academy (SUA) see immersing themselves into local, regional and international communities as building on the holistic educational experience each student receives at the school. “As a school community, we have a …
booked with compassion

All too often we hear of tragedies in the world, but are at a loss as to how we can help—especially when events happen in other states or halfway across the globe. Being part of the Church both grants us access to a helpful network and calls us to reach …
EWTN honors former NFL star Danny Abramowicz with 2022 Mother Angelica Award

by CNA Staff Irondale, Ala., Dec 12, 2022 / 18:00 pm EWTN Global Catholic Network has presented the 2022 Mother Angelica Award to former NFL star and coach Danny Abramowicz in honor of his lifetime of service to the new evangelization. The award was presented to Abramowicz by EWTN Chairman and …
School News: Summit 7th graders participate in community service project

As part of Habitat for Humanity’s Rock the Block event, 10 seventh graders from The Summit Country Day School participated in a day of service to bring enhancements to underserved areas of our community. They spent a full day over the weekend, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., working in a West End neighborhood. …
A Century of Service: Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley

From its beginnings of helping immigrants and orphans, to now serving 10 counties in the northern part of the archdiocese and 20,000 people each year, Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley (CSSMV) has seen growth and gratitude for a century. This spring marked the organization’s 100th anniversary of service. …
DC parish fills pews with food for parishioners in need

by Kate Scanlon Washington D.C., May 13, 2020 / 12:00 pm MT (CNA).- Public masses remain suspended in the Archdiocese of Washington amid the coronavirus pandemic, but the pews at the Shrine of the Sacred Heart are not empty. Priests, parishioners, and staff at Sacred Heart Parish recently assembled 500 …