Posts Tagged
Catholic Schools
Portland Archdiocese: New office will integrate schools into evangelization mission

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 20, 2023 / 13:00 pm After shutting down its Department of Catholic Schools in June amid ongoing tension about policies related to gender ideology, the Archdiocese of Portland has launched a new office focused on bringing diocesan schools more fully into the Church’s mission …
Values Guide Students

Mercy McAuley High School aims to instill key core values in its students, and evidence indicates it is succeeding. During Lent, the school’s campus ministry sponsored a contest among homerooms to collect the most layettes (a bag of necessities for newborn babies) to donate to Pregnancy Center West. The students …
Groundbreaking Event Set for Innovative Xavier Jesuit Academy

The groundbreaking event for what will be the only faith-based, scholarship-funded elementary school (grades 3 – 8) in Bond Hill, the Xavier Jesuit Academy, is set for 11 – 11:30 a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 13 at the site of the former St. Agnes School on the campus of the Church of …
‘Miracle’ at Catholic school leads cancer survivor to launch pediatric charity foundation

By Daniel Payne Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Sep 9, 2023 / 05:00 am Few young people can claim to have distinctly felt the healing touch of God or to have survived major bouts of serious cancer. Fewer still can say they’ve launched a foundation meant to help other young cancer survivors as …
Saint Ursula Academy Welcomes Kathy Restle as Principal

Cincinnati, Ohio, September 7, 2023– Saint Ursula Academy is excited to introduce Kathy Restle as SUA’s new Principal. A search committee unanimously selected Mrs. Restle, who assumed her new role on August 1, 2023. Kathy Restle comes with more than 23 years of experience in education and high school administration …
More than Just a Game

By Kary Ellen Berger In sports and similar matchups, there is typically a winner and loser by event’s end. But in the game of life, with God as the center, everyone wins. This is evident with St. Xavier High School’s team chaplain program. The 11 team chaplains are St. Xavier …
Forming students to be servants begins in Catholic School

If you looked in St. Gertrude School’s windows on their service day last year, you would have seen elementary students bustling about the room, creating welcome cards to Afghan refugees. The reason? A partnership between Catholic schools and Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio (CCSWO). Mary Anne Bressler is the Parish …
National data shows U.S. students still ‘stalled’ after pandemic

By Daniel Payne Washington D.C., Jul 12, 2023 / 08:21 am A new national survey shows students in the United States are still struggling to make up learning loss experienced over the course of the COVID-19 crisis. The report this week from NWEA examined test scores from nearly 7 million elementary and …
Parent Project Saves Families

I am more able to listen to my daughter.” “We talk more instead of arguing.” “He’s nicer to me and tells me he loves me randomly.” These real observations came from parents who participated in Catholic Charities of Southwest Ohio’s (CCSWO) Parent Project. Parenting the best-behaved child can be a …
U.S. Catholic school growth slows after two years of notable increases, data show

By Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Feb 10, 2023 / 11:55 am Following two straight years of notable growth, Catholic school enrollment rose again slightly nationwide in 2022-3023, according to new data made public Monday by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). The NCEA, which gathers statistics on Catholic school enrollment in the …