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Catholic Schools Week

By Eileen Connelly, OSU There’s nothing like real-life experience to help young people prepare for the future and that’s exactly the opportunity students at DePaul Cristo Rey (DPCR) have through the high school’s unique Corporate Work Study Program (CWSP). Sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, DPCR welcomed its …

By Steve Trosley Students from 17 of the 22 Catholic High Schools in the Cincinnati Archdiocese got a chance to question Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr Monday as part of the observance of Catholic Schools Week. It was the fourth consecutive year the archbishop participated in the event, which was simulcast …

By John Stegeman  The Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains was packed with students and other supporters of Catholic education Tuesday morning as Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr celebrated Cincinnati’s annual Catholic Schools Week mass. (Video and photo gallery below) The mass began with student representatives from more than 80 Catholic …

Special to The Catholic Telegraph A group of local Catholic high schools are commemorating Catholic Schools Week this year by supporting St. Vincent de Paul-Cincinnati through collections of food, personal care products, household items and clothing for St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Stores and Donation Centers. Catholic Schools Week is …

I attended Catholic grade school in the halcyon years when pastors wondered where they were going to put so many children. Our playground was so crowded the older boys were assigned a driveway that curved past a side entrance to the church and the rectory main entrance. We played unruly …

By John Stegeman Arguably the top complaint of parents with Catholic school children and those without is the same — Catholic education can sometimes feel like an unaffordable burden. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has heard that complaint loud and clear and, as part of the “Lighting the Way: A Vision …

By John Stegeman DAYTON — While political pundits often lament the demise of education, students at Catholic schools in the archdiocese are still privy to an education that is not only excellent, but ever-improving. Toward that end, Chaminade Julienne High School announced plans Jan. 9 for a $4 million dollar …

The February Edition of The Catholic Telegraph has been mailed and should hit mailboxes soon. This issue look for the special Catholic School’s Week Section beginning on page 18. Chaminade Julienne’s new STEMM Center (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Medicine education).   Look for Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr’s thoughts on …

DAYTON — On Jan. 9 Chaminade Julienne High School announced plans for a $4 million dollar renovation to the school’s second floor to create the CJ STEMM Center. The center is slated to open in August of 2013 and be ready for the following school year. The announcement of the …

February 3, 2011 By Eileen Connelly   ARCHDIOCESE — Community service is expected of students at Catholic high schools, be it volunteering at a local social service agency or participating on a mission trip. High school faculty members are also putting their faith into action, modeling the Gospel call to …