Posts Tagged
Catholic Schools Office
Back to School: List of archdiocese Catholic schools first days

Staff Report Back-to-school shopping sales are nearly over, which means the school year is underway or about to start at most of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati’s Catholic schools. If you’re curious about which Catholic schools are already in session, and which are yet to begin, consult this handy list below, …
Juliani new Associate Director of School Finance
Press Release Laura Juliani has joined the Catholic Schools Office as Associate Director of School Finance.
Retiring assistant superintendent has spread love of math
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph “Just give me the sunshine and some water and I’ll be praying, contemplating and relaxing.” That’s what Sister of Mercy Helen Lucille Habig is looking forward to, among other things, when she retires from her position as director of Eastern Region Schools for …
Common Core: Catholic school community gives standards mixed grade

Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — The Common Core State Standards — expectations for students to master in each grade level — have a love/hate/ambivalent relationship with the American public. The state-led initiative — adopted by 45 states and the District of Columbia — has been embraced by many educators, viewed …
New principals gather for ‘boot camp’
Megan Walsh The Catholic Telegraph New principals from Catholic schools throughout the archdiocese came together in late July for the first ever ‘Principal Boot Camp’ coordinated by the archdiocesan Catholic Schools Office. “The weekend was about connecting them with their faith and helping them understand how it impacts their leadership,” …
Superintendent addresses Common Core concerns
Dear readers, There has been a lot of conversation lately about the Common Core, a prevalent educational movement in the United States. The Common Core clearly seems to have caught the attention of many people in southwest Ohio; the topic comes up frequently when I speak to parents and Catholic …
Catholic Schools Office uses social media to build community
February 1, 2001 By Eilleen Connelly, OSU ARCHDIOCESE — The archdiocesan Catholic Schools Office recently launched new marketing strategies geared toward facilitating communication and building community among teachers, parents and students at schools in Cincinnati, Dayton and the northern Miami Valley.