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Catholic Schools

By Kate Quiñones CNA Staff, Feb 14, 2025 / 14:45 pm Catholic leaders have voiced support for a bill that would establish a federal tax credit to expand school choice in K–12 education. If passed, the Educational Choices for Children Act (ECCA), introduced at the end of January during National School …

Lord our God, in your wisdom and love you surround us with the mysteries of the universe. Send your Spirit upon these students and fill them with your wisdom and blessings. Grant that they may devote themselves to their studies and draw ever closer to you, the source of all …

Maggie Banker Taul. She has taught science and religion at Cardinal Pacelli School/Our Lord Christ the King Church for over 20 years. Maggie lives with her husband, Nelson, in Cincinnati and they have four children: John, Tim, Will, and Jane. Their children have all been blessed with Catholic school education. …

By Kate Quiñones CNA Staff, Mar 21, 2024 / 13:30 pm Following three years of modest growth, enrollment in Catholic education has remained stable since 2023, according to new data made public Wednesday by the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA).   The NCEA, which gathers statistics on Catholic school enrollment in the United States each year, …

In the early 1980s my parents faced a quandary: I was the oldest child, and it was time to enroll me in kindergarten. My dad, a history teacher, was recently laid off from the local public school. While both parents were baptized Catholic and my mother attended Catholic school through …

Greenville’s tight-knit school puts faith first by Matt Hess Photos by Danny Schneible Tim Wiedenmann was uneasy about leaving his religion classroom at a larger school to become principal of St. Mary’s School in Greenville, OH. He expected to really miss interacting with students as an administrator, but now in …

Paulus was blessed to grow up in a family that had a love for Christ. His parents were part of the Charismatic Movement, and his father pastored a small nondenominational church. They passed on that love of the Lord as they moved from Virginia to Croatia and back. “My family …

By Joe Bukuras CNA Staff, Jan 2, 2024 / 08:00 am There is growing interest in the trades for many families around the country, according to the leaders of postsecondary Catholic trade institutions, and it comes amid major skilled-labor shortages in the U.S. According to the 2023 Career Advancement in Manufacturing Report by …

In June 2023, the Oklahoma Statewide Virtual Charter School Board (the “Board”) approved an application from the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City and the Diocese of Tulsa to create a virtual Catholic school, St. Isidore of Seville. Like all other virtual charter schools in Oklahoma, St. Isidore will be tuition free, …

What could you do without barriers in the way? Run a marathon if you had time to train? Finish the book you’ve wanted to read if you rearranged your schedule? What about your education? If you had the right resources, could you perform better in school? That last is the …