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Catholic Relief Services

Interstate 45 is seen submerged from the effects of Hurricane Harvey Aug. 28 in Houston. (CNS photo/Richard Carson, Reuters)
The Bishops of Texas have issued a list of Catholic charities helping in rescue and recovery following the devastating impact of Saturday’s hurricane and the ongoing flooding in the state. They emphasize that cash contributions are their greatest need. National organizations, including Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), are collecting funds, but …

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Our archdiocese will be taking up The Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC) April 29 and 30. By participating in this collection, you are responding to Jesus in disguise in some of the most marginalized communities in our world. The CRSC provides services for immigrants, …

Margaret Mwenya, a Catholic Relief Servies Senior Director, will speak about CRS’s work around the world and especially in Zambia. How do your Rice Bowl donations help others? Find out from the Senior Director of Nutrition and Food Security for CRS in Zambia. Sponsored by the Springfield City Social Action …

My Dear Friends in Christ, Through humanitarian aid, resettling displaced individuals and families, and providing legal and advocacy services for migrants, the Catholic Relief Services Collection allows us to see every encounter with a person who is suffering as an opportunity to help Jesus in disguise.

Dear Friends in Christ, As a former member of Catholic Relief Services’ (CRS) Board of Directors, I am inviting every parish and school in our archdiocese to use CRS Rice Bowl for Lent 2015. CRS Rice Bowl guides families on a Lenten journey of faith and solidarity, helps parents bring …

Staff Report The following letter from The Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr, Archbishop of Cincinnati, appeared in the May 2014 print edition of The Catholic Telegraph.

Press Release Human rights advocates concerned about an increase in labor trafficking in Brazil as it hosts the 2014 FIFA World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games are joining forces to help stamp out the problem. University of Dayton President Daniel J. Curran and Catholic Relief Services Vice President for Government …

More than 130 parishes, schools, a university and a religious order in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are participating in the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rise Bowl program during Lent this year. The program, according to archdiocesan CRS Director Pam Long, previously known as Operation Rice Bowl, has been renamed CRS …