Posts Tagged
Catholic Mothers
Mothers of Priests

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, and especially the mothers of priests gathered here today, as we celebrate the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul, we are reminded of the profound impact these apostles had on the early Church. Like them, mothers of priests play a crucial role in nurturing …
Mothers & Priests: Giving Ourselves to Others

I remember the moment I realized my mother was a person. It’s a strange thing to say; but prior to my twenties, my mom more closely resembled a resource. I could turn to her with my needs, confident she would have the solution. As a mother, she gave; and as …
A Priest’s Perspective: Our Heroic Mothers

Ten years ago, my friend was preparing to move to Baltimore. Before the move, she made a request: “Mom is getting a little forgetful. Could you look in on her and bring her Communion?” I agreed and each Friday I met with a remarkable mother of eight who raised her …
Shine On: To the Single Mothers on Mothers Day

I never thought of my mom as a single mother but, objectively, she was. My parents divorced when I was nine. From then on, it was just my older sister, my younger brother and me living at home with Mom. Maybe it was because Dad was still around and we …
Meet the Moms

“I always encouraged my kids to be who they were created to be… share what they are and what they have with God. Everyone has their own gifts, so whatever that is should be used to bring glory to God’s name and bring people to the Church.” These words were …
The Best Laid Plans

Momma, I don’t feel so good.” Those dreaded words always send a flurry of thoughts running through my mind, especially when uttered on a weekday morning. Out comes the thermometer, and when the inevitable 100.8 degrees registers on the screen, my husband and I start quickly recalculating our plans for …
Leah Darrow: ‘Babies Do Not Kill Dreams’

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jun 19, 2021 / 13:00 pm Leah Darrow is calling on society to recognize the beauty of children and to challenge the notion that abortion is necessary for women’s sucess. Darrow rose to fame as a contestant on America’s Next Top Model. But at …
Fostering Vocations in Coldwater

by Susie Bergman Three Mothers of Priests from the Northern Archdiocese Share their Stories In northern Mercer County, nestled in a rural region of rich farmland, a different kind of fruitfulness has flourished. The Coldwater Cluster of Parishes, comprised of St. Mary, St. Anthony and Holy Trinity Churches, has produced …
Sewing Faith: Kathleen West launched Ethically Sourced Boutique inspired by Motherhood & Faith

by Jessica Rinaudo Entrepreneurs have many sources of inspiration when launching a new product or jumping into a new endeavor, and Kathleen West is no exception. Her inspiration is rooted in the divine and her vocation as a mother. West, and her husband, Ben, are from opposite sides of the …
Mind and Soul: Our Debt to Imperfect Motherly Love

“Tell me about your mother…” Many a joke about my profession begins with these words spoken in an Austrian accent in imitation of Sigmund Freud. While many therapists downplay our connection to Freud, it is true that we tend to place heavy emphasis on the role of the mother in …