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Catholic Family

My 14-year-old son, Liam, fixed his eyes on mine and tearfully choked out, “Mom I want to go home.” On the surface, his comment made no sense. We had just returned home the day before from Tennessee, where Liam got to visit his long-distance best friend. I never saw that …

There’s nothing mainstream about the Christian life. Our culture indulges in sexuality, gluttony, moral relativism and self- servitude, without giving much of a glance to its own inherent dignity and worth. Society loves stuff and uses people instead of the other way around, and success is often gauged by dollars …

by Jonah McKeown St. Louis, Mo., Oct 31, 2022 / 15:15 pm The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops in an Oct. 26 letter offered more than a dozen policy recommendations related to the health and well-being of women, children, and families, calling for a “radical solidarity” with mothers in …

Katherine and Hannah Geiger have walked similar paths their whole lives. Until God called them to different vocations.

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Dec 26, 2021 / 04:10 am On the Feast of the Holy Family, Pope Francis encouraged married couples to rely on the strength of Christ and his graces as they weather the storms of life together. In a letter to spouses Dec. 26, Pope Francis wrote that …

“No! I don’t want to go to Disney World! I just want to stay home and have screen time!” My wife and I often feel like we are failing as parents. The house isn’t clean enough. The meals aren’t healthy enough. We don’t spend enough quality time with the kids. …