Posts Tagged
Catholic conscience
Ohio enacts health care conscience protections

Washington D.C., Jul 6, 2021 / 18:00 pm Ohio state law now includes conscience protections for medical professionals, after Governor Mike DeWine (R) signed a state budget bill into law on June 30. “Governor DeWine should be commended for his commitment to dignified health care. His clear understanding that health …
Today’s Video: A well-formed conscience

As we are in the final week of Lent, we look at Fr. Mike’s video: A well formed conscience. Jiminy Cricket said “Always let your conscience be your guide,” but how do I know if I have a good conscience? A good conscience more often is concerned with our responsibilities …
Little Sisters of the Poor file suit over HHS Mandate
By Catholic News Service & CT Staff WASHINGTON — The Little Sisters of the Poor and a Catholic college are the latest Catholic entities to file a lawsuit against the Department of Health and Human Services over its mandate that most religious employers’ health insurance plans cover contraceptives, sterilization and some abortion-inducing …
Vatican laments European Court denial of conscientious objection right
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — While applauding the European Court of Human Rights’ recognition of the right of a British airline employee to wear a cross on her uniform, the Vatican lamented the court’s denial of the full right of conscientious objection in other cases claiming religious discrimination in the United …
Forming Christian conscience topic of priest convocation
Thursday, October 14, 2010 By David Eck DAYTON DEANERY — Priests should preach God’s word from His perspective, not their own, in helping parishioners form their Catholic conscience. That was among the key messages Father Earl Fernandes shared during a presentation at the annual priest convocation Oct. 7 at Incarnation …