Posts Tagged
Catholic Chronicle
Throwback Thursday: Farewell to the Catholic Chronicle

In the November 29, 1934 edition of The Catholic Telegraph, this publication welcomed the creation of the Catholic Chronicle, the diocesan newspaper of the Diocese of Toledo. The Catholic Chronicle published it’s first issue on Nov. 23, 1934 and according to The Catholic Telegraph’s report, “The Catholic Chronicle has made …
Diocese of Toledo closes Catholic Chronicle as part of budget cuts

Update: The Toledo Diocese will cease publishing its newspaper, close its related website, end production of a weekly televised Mass and reduce spending at the diocesan pastoral center by 20 percent to plug a budget deficit. “We must be committed to cease our practice of deficit spending,” Bishop Daniel E. …
Retired auxiliary bishop of Toledo dies
By Cherie Spino & Angela Kessler Catholic News Service TOLEDO — Retired Auxiliary Bishop Robert W. Donnelly of Toledo, Ohio died July 21 at his home in Toledo at age 83. Afternoon visitation was scheduled for July 28, to be followed by an evening vigil at Our Lady, Queen of the …