Posts Tagged
Catholic Charities SouthWestern Ohio
City Council unanimously declares Cincinnati ‘immigrant friendly’

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph After hearing directly from immigrants and advocates during public comments, Cincinnati City Council unanimously passed a resolution recognizing the council’s commitment to improving the lives of immigrants and fostering civility and respect for those immigrants living in Cincinnati. The resolution, sponsored by Vice Mayor …
Archdiocese parishes take part in CRS 2013 rice bowl program
More than 130 parishes, schools, a university and a religious order in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are participating in the Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Rise Bowl program during Lent this year. The program, according to archdiocesan CRS Director Pam Long, previously known as Operation Rice Bowl, has been renamed CRS …
Archdiocese collects $184,707.71 for Hurricane Sandy victims
Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio has sent a check for $184,707.71 to Catholic Charities USA to help victims of Hurricane Sandy.
Catholic Charities offers educational programs in July
Friday, June 25, 2010 ARCHDIOCESE — Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio offers several family-education programs in July. “Media, Peers and other influences on the Family” will be offered July 8, 7-9 p.m., at the Centennial Barn, 110 Compton Rd., Cincinnati. $15.
Caregiver Assistance Network unveils new website to assist family caregivers
Wednesday, March 11, 2009 ARCHDIOCESE — The Caregiver Assistance Network (CAN) has launched a new website designed to focus on the ongoing needs and issues facing family caregivers and caregiver professionals across the Greater Cincinnati region. CAN is just one of the programs and services available to the community through …