Posts Tagged
Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio
Annual Catholic Ministries Appeal Set to Kick Off

“The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the ‘birds of the sky come and dwell in …
Gifts of the Magi

Moving Forward Charlotte suffered years of abuse at the hands of her husband. The violence stopped when she called police and pressed charges. The police took her to the Family Justice Center where she developed a safety plan while police searched for her husband. Once he was behind bars and …
Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Romina Sapinoso Professes First Vows

Delhi Township, Ohio – Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Romina Sapinoso pronounced First Vows during a ceremony September 22, 2018, in the Immaculate Conception Chapel at the Mount St. Joseph Motherhouse. During the liturgy Novice Director Sister Donna Steffen presented Sister Romina for First Vows. Romina committed herself for three …
Giving Tuesday 2017

In the same way Black Friday and CyberMonday kick off the holiday buying season, #GivingTuesday highlights the true meaning of the season. Advent is approaching. As we prepare our hearts and minds to receive God’s gift through the birth of Jesus on Christmas, we look for ways to share God’s …
Everyday Evangelist: Ted Bergh

Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio CEO takes hands on approach to ministry For two decades, Ted Bergh worked in a business charged with being the community watchdog, reporting the good and bad of a changing society. Today, the former chief financial officer of the Gannett-owned Cincinnati Enquirer, finds himself serving …
Catholic Charities Served Nearly 30,000 More People

CINCINNATI – June 28, 2017 – Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio Annual Report details how the agency served 120,000 people across 11 counties last year. This is almost a 31% increase from the prior year in people assisted by the agency. “We celebrated the Jubilee Year of Mercy by expanding our …
Stand with Refugees

Every minute, 24 people leave everything behind to flee war, persecution and terror. Most will live the balance of their lives as refugees. More than half of these refugees are children, according to the UN Refugee Agency. “The world is facing its largest refugee crisis since World War II and …
Nominations Open for Champions of Mercy Awards

CINCINNATI – May 10, 2017 – They’re humble servants who feed the hungry, tend the sick, comfort the lonely and protect the vulnerable. They inspire others to be merciful to neighbors and strangers alike. Chances are you know a Champion of Mercy, and Catholic Charities is seeking your support in …
Catholic Charities Pleased by Halt to Refugee Travel Ban

CINCINNATI, March 16, 2017 – Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio is encouraged by yesterday’s decision by U.S. District Court Judge Derrick Watson to freeze the travel ban on refugees seeking safety in America. “America has a long tradition of being a beacon of hope for those fleeing war and persecution and …
Archbishop Dennis Schnurr’s Statement on Refugees and Immigrants

The human dignity of refugees and immigrants should be the central consideration in any approach to the issues they present. During my annual question and answer session with Catholic high school students from around the Archdiocese yesterday, one of the students showed me a photograph of a Syrian refugee family …