Posts Tagged
Catholic Charities of Southwestern Ohio
Feeding Families

As the National Eucharistic Revival concludes in June 2025, opportunities remain to not only celebrate the gift of the Eucharist but be transformed by it—moving beyond church walls to share Christ’s love and compassion with those most in need. The Eucharist is more than receiving Jesus’ Body and Blood, it …
Letter to the Faithful Regarding Migrants & Refugees

March 4, 2024 Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, There is no doubt we live in polarized times. Virtually every topic seems to be fodder for political division. In such times, our Catholic faith can be tested even more intensely than usual, especially when our faith runs up against public …
Love in Action through Families of Parishes

God is love. In this simple conviction is the vast mystery that when we experience love in our lives or deliver it out into the world, we find ourselves steeped in the very presence of God. We often feel this most intensely with those closest to us: spouses, children and …
Obituary: Br. Reynolds Garland, OFM

Br. Reynolds Garland, OFM, passed away on Nov. 30, 2023, at the age of 89 at Twin Towers Senior Living Community in Cincinnati, Ohio. A native of Charleston, South Carolina, Br. Reynolds was born on Jan. 13, 1934, to Alex and Willetta Garland. Br. Reynolds entered the Franciscan Order on …
Light the World Giving Machines

Imagine going to a vending machine and being able to purchase much-needed food, clothing, or baby supplies for a local family in need, and medicine or even a goat for a family in a developing country. This year, Cincinnati residents will have the chance to do just that. As part …
My Long Stateless Status

Born in a remote village in Bhutan, a small country sandwiched between two big countries—China in the north and India—I completed my primary education at Dorokha Primary School, a 40 minute walk from my home. In 1990, while I was in high school, the government forcefully evicted 100,000 Nepali-speaking citizens …
Parent Project Saves Families

I am more able to listen to my daughter.” “We talk more instead of arguing.” “He’s nicer to me and tells me he loves me randomly.” These real observations came from parents who participated in Catholic Charities of Southwest Ohio’s (CCSWO) Parent Project. Parenting the best-behaved child can be a …
Food For All

by Patricia McGeever More than 374,000 people in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are living in poverty, many living paycheck to paycheck or relying on Social Security, and stretching those dollars to pay for the basics: housing, utilities and food. They find extra help at Catholic Charities Food for All drive-thru …
A Call to Everyone for Life

In The Gospel of Life, Pope St. John Paul II writes, “[T]he deepest element of God’s commandment to protect human life is the requirement to show reverence and love for every person and the life of every person” (EG, 41). By “every person,” the Holy Father especially named those who …
Life, Dignity and Charity

Aware of their shared commitment to the ministries that put love into action and protect life and human dignity, several archdiocesan agencies and offices have joined their efforts. The new Department of Life, Human Dignity and Charity, includes Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio (CCSWO), Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley …