Posts Tagged
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
World Day of the Poor

As we celebrate the seventh World Day of the Poor on Nov. 19, Pope Francis asks us to reflect on the little known but powerful story of Tobit. In particular, the Pope directs us to act with mercy: “Do not turn your face away from anyone who is poor.” (Tob …
Catholic Campaign for Human Development

The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) “is an anti-poverty initiative that’s designed to root out the causes of systemic poverty,” said Glen Glenn, the Program Coordinator of CCHD. “We fund initiatives that work toward that end.” CCHD offers grants to organizations targeting issues that can lead to poverty, such …
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development

by Rebekah Davidson The Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) “is an anti-poverty initiative that’s designed to root out the causes of systemic poverty,” said Glen Glenn, the Program Coordinator of CCHD. “We fund initiatives that work toward that end.” CCHD offers grants to organizations targeting issues that can lead …
Archbishop Dennnis M. Schnurr: World Day of the Poor Nov. 18

October 2018 My Dear Friends in Christ, On November 18, the Church will once again celebrate a World Day of the Poor. In his message for the occasion, Pope Francis directs us to reflect upon what it means to “hear the cry of the poor” (cf. Ps 34). He exclaims: …
Archbishop Schnurr: World Day of the Poor highlights need for Catholic Campaign for Human Development

My Dear Friends in Christ, On November 19, the Thirty-Third Sunday of Ordinary Time, Pope Francis is instituting a new tradition for our Church: a World Day of the Poor. In his inaugural message for this occasion, the Holy Father announced, “This new World Day should become a powerful appeal …
End the Year of Mercy with a donation to CCHD

My Dear Friends in Christ, On the weekend of Nov. 19-20, the feast of Christ the King, Pope Francis will close the Holy Doors of Mercy at the Vatican, and we will do the same in the archdiocese at our own cathedral. While this symbolic gesture will conclude the Extraordinary …
Throwback Thursday: Catholic Campaign for Human Development announced under different name

Staff Report Parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and the nation will take up collections this weekend for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development. Today’s Throwback Thursday heralds the announcement of said campaign in 1969, but under a different name. The Nov. 6, 1969 edition of The Catholic Telegraph announced …
Community Blend serves up coffee and change
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph For many years, decades in fact, the storefront at 3546 Montgomery Road in Evanston sat vacant. That all changed on May 19 when Community Blend, the newest employee owned, cooperative business created by Interfaith Business Builders, Inc. (IBB), opened it doors to serve …