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Catholic At Home
Our Catholic School Family: Banding Together in Unprecedented Times
by Jessica Rinaudo I’ll never forget the day Governor DeWine announced that schools across the state of Ohio would be closing in response to the coronavirus pandemic. As a full-time working mother of four children in Catholic schools, my feelings were a mix of shock, anxiety and incredulity. How, I …
Catholic at Home: Ways to Pray as a Couple
Last month we covered why praying as a couple is essential to every Christian marriage. Husband and wife are each made in the image and likeness of God, and together form a new creation in Christ. The relationship is inherently lifegiving and imitates God in its own particular way. When …
Mom of Carlo Acutis says son led her back to the Catholic faith
CNA Staff, Jun 17, 2020 / 12:54 am MT (CNA).- While most Catholic mothers pray for their teenage sons, Antonia Acutis has the unique ability to pray to hers, the soon-to-be-beatified Italian teenager Carlo Acutis. Carlo will be beatified October 10 in Assisi, Italy. His canonization cause has been popularized …
Catholic at Home: How to pray as a couple and why it is essential
My friend was a new blushing bride when she suggested to her husband that they start praying together. Daunted by the idea and clueless as to how to go about it, her husband nervously declined, saying that he needed to work on his one-on-one relationship with God before he worked …
Catholic at Home: Seize the Hope Set Before Us
Weeks have now turned to months of living with COVID-19. We’re adapting from total upheaval to the “new normal” of living with an infectious disease in the area; and the big shifts we’ve made to keep life going in our own ways are, in a word, unprecedented. School and work …
‘Where is God right now?’ How imagination can aid our faith in quarantine
by Hannah Brockhaus Rome, Italy, Apr 22, 2020 / 03:16 am MT (CNA).- Living under coronavirus-caused quarantines and stay-at-home orders, many Catholics may find themselves unable to practice the faith in the ways to which they are accustomed. When you can’t attend Mass, receive the Eucharist, or even go to …
7 Resources to Help Bring Faith Home
7 Resources to Help Bring Faith Home Download the PDF: 7 Resources to Bring the Faith Home Missing religious education and Catholic school? Here are 7 fun resources to help you and your family keep the faith-learning going at home! With kids out of school, Masses canceled and religious education …
The Ultimate Guide to Lent
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati, along with Catholics around the world, will observe Ash Wednesday, on February 26, 2020. Ash Wednesday begins the season of Lent in the Catholic Church in preparation for Easter (that will fall on April 12 this year). Ash Wednesday is an obligatory day of fasting (one …
Catholic at Home: Four Tips to Make Your Lent Fruitful
The beginning of Lent feels like the New Year – it’s a clean slate paired with a handful of resolutions and a heart full of hope that this is THE year. I’m going to stick with my Lenten sacrifices so when Easter shines in 40+ days, I’ll be beaming with …
The February Catholic Spelunker by Dominick Albano
A Catholic movie everyone is loving. Thanks to The Two Popes, I get to enjoy two things I love that don’t normally go together: a good movie and my Catholic faith. You want credentials? The Two Popes is rich in credentials and accolades. • Winner for the Best Narrative Feature …