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Catholic At Home
Sharing Our Vulnerabilities With God
We had the windows open, letting a delightful breeze flow through our new house. I was surrounded by boxes in the living room as my kids ran around the yard with new friends. I took a break from unpacking to watch my daughter, Jane, building fairy houses out of twigs …
The Particularity of Holy Simplicity
For years I’ve moonlighted as a minimalist consultant, guiding clients as they simplify their possessions and demands on their time. Talking about simplicity makes me bubble over with enthusiasm, as when you share a life-changing book or a crowd- pleasing recipe. You’ve found something so good that it’s hard not …
7 Practical Ways to Observe Lent as a Family
by Rebecca Sontag There is no Easter without Lent. Prayer, penance and fasting can be tough for anyone. And meditating on the Last Four Things (death, judgment, heaven and hell) is a heavy task at any age. While it is tempting to ignore the tough spiritual preparation that results in …
Lenten Devotions as a Lifestyle
When my husband and I started a family, I was hopeful we could live differently from the status quo, more reflective of love and peace. There will always be work, laundry, dinnertime and taking care of each other; but it’s easy to lose sight of the point in these routine …
Making a Gift of Our Time
My birthday is coming up this month. I love my birthday and make a point to have a great time with family. We have living room dance parties, I grab lunch with my mom and maybe go antiquing with friends. Coffee and donuts are always involved. Whatever the agenda, the …
What Gives You Pause in Your Faith?
I ran two whole miles yesterday. That doesn’t sound like a lot, so let’s call it 10,560 feet; and I ran them all without stopping. This is huge for me, not because I’ve never been the athletic type, but because, by God’s grace, I’m recognizing more frequently my fear of …
The Mission of Money and Marriage
“Who can find a good wife? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.” (Prov. 31:10-11) A few months ago, I started listening to The Catholic Money Show for some monetary motivation, after which my …
Seeking the Lord in Our Drudge
When I was growing up, my mom would say, “God has a plan for you today, Katie.” Her comment had implications and truth that took decades to sink in. Family life can be monotonous. There is so much sameness played on repeat; work and sleep without much in between. And …
Domestica: Helping Build Your Home Church
At the end of each Mass, Catholics are sent out, sustained and prepared by the Liturgy to “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord,” or “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” Partaking of the Eucharist is just the start of our work to build the Kingdom …
The Rich Young Man’s Struggle
“I’ve done a lot of funerals, and I’ve never seen a hearse pulling a U-Haul.” – Father Bruce H. Living simply is a stirring in my soul. Among the methods to pare down one’s possessions and activities, there is one that transcends cultural fads and speaks to the heart of …