Posts Tagged
Catholic At Home
How to bless your home on the Feast of Epiphany 2025
by Francesca Pollio Denver Newsroom, Jan 6, 2022 / 03:00 am Have you ever gone past a door with what appears to be random letters and numbers written at the top? These letters and numbers actually have a great significance. Traditionally on the feast of Epiphany, Catholics bless their homes …
Living Advent Intentionally
As I recently walked through a retail store with my kids, we saw the whole place decked out in snowflakes, North Pole signage, toy cars with trees strapped on top and, most puzzling, Star Wars Pez in candy striped boxes. So, I nonchalantly quizzed my kids. “This stuff looks fun. …
There’s a Saint for That
When my family moved into our home almost five years ago, we liked the sweet quiet of the neighborhood and the charm of our little house. We had yet to realize the very best part of living here: our neighbors. The Neighborhood Family, as we all call it, consists of …
I Will Serve
“Behind each priest, there is a demon fighting for his fall. If we have the language to criticize them, we must have twice as much to pray for them.” – St. Teresa of Avila I was the new kid in fifth grade. My family had just moved to a small …
Extraordinary Love in an Ordinary Home
As a theology major, I earned my degree turning thousands of pages of spiritual reading—saints’ reflections, papal documents and biblical analysis. I remember highlighting lines that pierced my heart; whole paragraphs of intricate wording that went right to my soul. There is no end in the Faith to the number …
I Finally Get Joy in Suffering
The idea of joy in suffering is a pretty tough pill to swallow. It’s one I’ve wrestled with for years because, although it’s hard to perceive light in the dense fog of trials, Jesus and the saints say it is possible. I’m challenged to search beyond formidable sadness, grief, confusion—everything …
On Sacred & Remarkable Friendships
My 14-year-old son, Liam, fixed his eyes on mine and tearfully choked out, “Mom I want to go home.” On the surface, his comment made no sense. We had just returned home the day before from Tennessee, where Liam got to visit his long-distance best friend. I never saw that …
Having a Family in the World, Not of It
There’s nothing mainstream about the Christian life. Our culture indulges in sexuality, gluttony, moral relativism and self- servitude, without giving much of a glance to its own inherent dignity and worth. Society loves stuff and uses people instead of the other way around, and success is often gauged by dollars …
The Power in a Mother’s Name
I was a brand new speaker preparing a talk that I had struggled to put together for over a year. There I sat, tapping my pencil on another blank sheet of paper next to a growing pile of crumpled up ideas. I was out of time. In just a couple …
Mothers & Priests: Giving Ourselves to Others
I remember the moment I realized my mother was a person. It’s a strange thing to say; but prior to my twenties, my mom more closely resembled a resource. I could turn to her with my needs, confident she would have the solution. As a mother, she gave; and as …