Posts Tagged
campus ministry
Catholic Bearcats Faith Journey

Walk into a Sunday night Candlelight Mass at St. Monica- St. George Church in Cincinnati, and you know you are a part of something special. As the light flickers across the adorned walls, and contemporary praise and worship music reverberate throughout the almost 100-year- old church, you find both parishioners …
Raider Catholic

The Catholic campus ministry program at Wright State University (WSU), Raider Catholic, understands that college is the time in a young adult’s life when they are most willing to challenge their own worldview and pursue truth. “I think something particularly beautiful about college students is that they are usually searching …
Home Away from Home

Like many college freshmen, Miami University student Ben Breunig felt he didn’t fit in. Lonely, the Louisville native, raised Catholic, said he was about to leave when, on a whim, he attended Mass at St. Mary Church in Oxford. After that, everything in Breunig’s life changed. “I had never prioritized …
Building Faith

Most graduating high school seniors don’t expect to be back at their alma mater anytime soon. That was not the case for Michaele “Mickey” Townsend, a 2018 graduate of DePaul Cristo Rey High School (DPCR) in Cincinnati, who returned to her alma mater to serve as the new Campus Minister. …
Campus Ministers, Leader, Putting Faith into Practice, Leaders in Discipleship

by Lisa Fletcher Providing a strong foundation for students to know and love the Catholic faith is at the heart of Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Simply having the knowledge, however, isn’t enough. Without meaningful ways to consistently practice the faith, students miss a crucial component in developing …
Sharing the Good News

Sharing the Good News of our faith may seem an easy concept, but it doesn’t always come to fruition. That’s why the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) reserves funds to aid evangelization. “Embracing evangelization in our archdiocese and beyond, in our parishes and through ministries like those supported by the Catholic …
Harvard Catholic Center responds to ‘spin’ on atheist chaplain

by Joe Bukuras Washington D.C., Aug 31, 2021 / 11:04 am The Harvard Catholic Center on Monday clarified reports of the university’s new atheist “chief chaplain,” saying the position is administrative and will not affect the center’s Catholic mission. Last week the New York Times announced that Greg Epstein, an …
FOCUS to add locations for campus outreach in 2021-2022

by Joe Bukuras Denver, Colo., Jul 20, 2021 / 16:19 pm The Fellowship of Catholic University Students is sending nearly 800 missionaries to eight additional locations this academic year in order to bring the Gospel to university students. In a July 15 statement, the pastor of the St. Paul Catholic …
Fostering Community on Campus

The four years young people spend in college are critical not only in the formation of who they became as they enter into the adult world, but also who they become as they mature in their Catholic faith. That’s why Father Ethan Moore is so committed to Catholic campus ministry. …
Local Hero Honored: La Salle High School’s Campus Minister Recognized by Companions on a Journey for National Child’s Grief Awareness Day

by Jacqueline Lazar One in 11 children in Ohio will experience the death of a parent or sibling by their 18th birthday, and by 24, this statistic doubles. When a child or teen experiences the death of a family member or close friend, it can rattle them to their core, …