Posts Tagged
Call to Continuing Conversion
‘God was with us on the stairwell’: A hero of 9/11 finds his vocation

By Joe Bukuras Boston, Mass., Sep 11, 2023 / 05:00 am Paul Carris had started a new job working in the North Tower of the World Trade Center on the 71st floor in July 2001. Two months later, on the morning of Sept. 11, Carris had just hung up the phone …
To Know or Not to Know? That is the question

“What does it mean to know God?” A reader sent this question recently, and it just about floored me. This isn’t a surface-level inquiry about a particular doctrine or practice. This is one of those deep, fundamental questions that digs down into the heart of human existence. Every single person …
What is Good?

Where I used to work, the phrase “world class” was thrown around often. It sounds like a noble goal, to be world class, but there’s a dilemma. How do you define world class? CONSIDER MUSIC. Yo-Yo Ma was a child prodigy cellist, graduated from the Juilliard School and Harvard, recorded …
Catholic At Home: Surrender it All

Leave the care of your affairs to Me and everything will be peaceful. In my 13 years as a wife and 12 as a mother, there have been plenty of times when I’ve simply run out of answers. Every family carries unique burdens that can overwhelm and exhaust us emotionally, …
Seize the Moment: The Good News and Bad News of the Gospel

The doctor reluctantly dialed the number. A patient had suffered terrible injuries playing baseball, and he needed to inform the young man that his prognosis was grim. As the phone rang, the doctor searched for a gentle way to deliver the news. He decided to tell a joke: Patient: “Doctor, …
Pope Francis: God is patient and never stops waiting for a sinner’s conversion

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Dec 2, 2020 / 04:00 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis said Wednesday that God does not wait for us to stop sinning to start loving us, but always holds out hope for the conversion of even the most hardened sinner. “There is no sin that …
Join Archbishop Schnurr Wednesday for a “Holy Hour for Conversion and Peace”

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Yesterday, on Pentecost Sunday, we learned from St. Paul that “As a body is one though it has many parts, and all the parts of the body, though many, are one body, so also Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into …
Today’s Video: What the World Gets Wrong About “Christmas Spirit”

There is definitely a spirit to Christmas. Based on Hollywood movies, you might think that this spirit is of giving, of peace on earth, or even of family. For Christians, this is a major oversimplification, and misses a bit part of what Christmas is about. Father Casey talks about not …
The Athenaeum of Ohio introduces two new Summer Courses

The Athenaeum of Ohio is pleased to offer two summer courses beginning this May: “Biblical Theology of Creation” taught by Dr. Matthew Genung, and “Preambles of Faith: The Writings of Flannery O’Connor” taught by Dr. Tracy Jamison. Classes will be held evenings from May 20th through June 20th. “Biblical Theology …
Nearly 1,000 in archdiocese to join the church at Easter

Press Release On Sunday, March 9, the Archdiocese of Cincinnati will celebrate the Rite of Election and the Call to Continuing Conversion with 946 adults and children seeking entrance into the Roman Catholic Church.